  • 學位論文


Examination of Various Key Factors in Currency Futures Trading Strategies

指導教授 : 胡為善 胡宜中


近年衍生性金融商品發展迅速,加上國際貿易往來頻繁,對於外匯的需要日益殷切,因而更顯出外匯期貨之重要性。其不但提供現貨持有者一個避險的管道,也給予投機者賺取利潤的機會。依據臺灣期貨交易所之市場參與者的統計資料顯示,台灣期貨交易,目前仍以散戶為最大宗(佔99.4%),使得投資人的實際交易策略之思維更顯重要。本研究透過文獻探討與德爾菲法的整理,在外匯期貨中,針對美元對人民幣期貨之投資決策因素,結合決策實驗室之網路分析程序法(D-ANP),與十位財務金融專家共同討論以及作問卷分析。本研究先從20項準則中,選取最重要的五項準則,再探討這五項準則與外匯期貨之因果關係及對其影響程度之大小。最後,本研究採用多元迴歸分析法,以探討這些關鍵準則是否能有效地預測外匯期貨之投資報酬率,其母體資料之樣本區間係自2015年7月20日至12月31日止共115筆。而模型實證之樣本區間則自2016年1月1日至5月31日止共計101筆。 本研究發現,影響外匯期貨投資策略的五項關鍵因素,分別為央行政策走向,國內外利差,移動平均數、消費者物價指數與隨機指標。此五項準則為投資人交易期貨時優先使用之指標。其中央行政策走向與國內外利差為交互影響之指標,但央行政策走向會單向影響移動平均數,而移動平均數又單向影響消費者物價指數以及隨機指標。因此本研究建議,投資人若由央行政策走向著手,研擬其會對外匯期貨的影響,將是最有效率之方法。此外,本研究根據各項準則之績效值之分析發現,台灣投資者過分重視國內外利差。其實利率雖是影響價格波動的主要因素之一,但近年利率僅是政府刺激經濟發展的手段之一。此外,本研究根據關鍵準則建立之多元迴歸分析,也證實本研究能有效地預測外匯期貨之投資報酬率。因此本研究建議投資人應從央行實行的貨幣相關政策來擬定個人之交易策略。


Financial derivative products and international trade activities have been rapidly developed over the past four decades. The increasing need for various currencies highlights the importance of currency futures which provides hedging and speculation. According to the Taiwan Future Exchange statistics issued in May 2016, Taiwan’s domestic futures trading, by market participants, to retail investors as the largest components ( 99.4% of 100%), making the strategic decision of the retail individuals become very important. This study combines Delphi method with the D-ANP method to determine the investment decision factors on the currency futures – i.e. Renminbi (Chinese Yen) Futures. This investigation distributes the integrated questionnaires to ten financial experts in the futures markets to select the top five key factors from twenty factors influencing the currency futures markets. The multiple regression analysis is then employed to test the effectiveness of these five key factors. The pre-test period runs from July 20, 2015 to December 31, 2015 with 115 observations, and the test period runs from January 1, 2016 to May 31, 2016 with 101 observations. Empirical results indicate that the top five key factors influencing the currency future’s trading strategies are as follows: the policy direction of the Central Bank of the ROC (CBC), the interest spread between domestic and foreign markets (spread abroad), consumer price index (CPI), moving average (MA), and the stochastic oscillator (KD). The cause and effect diagram shows that the policy direction of the CBC and spread abroad mutually impact each other. However, the policy direction of CBC unilaterally affects MA, and MA unilaterally affects CPI and KD. The multiple regression analysis confirms that these key factors can effectively predict the return on investment of currency futures. In summary, this study suggests that the retail investors should pay serious attention to the policy direction of CBC first.


ANP CBC currency futures D-ANP DEMATEL Renminbi futures


