  • 學位論文


A Study on TPACK of Pre-service Chinese Language Teachers in Synchronous Teaching

指導教授 : 連育仁


教育科技的進步、網路速度的加速以及海內外華語學習者的成長等因素影響下,同步遠距教學成為現代華語教學的趨勢。許多遠距華語教學的公司應運而生,愈來愈多教師能使用筆記型電腦、平板電腦與手機等各種電子設備教學。在研究上,科技化華語教學知能(TPACK)成為衡量華語教師數位教學能力的重要指標。為瞭解職前華語教師運用新科技在遠距教學上的策略與態度,本研究使用科技化華語教學知能指標訓練並評量19位職前線上華語教師在線上教學過程對科技知能的態度與能力。 研究進行的方式為先實施5週的基本能力培訓,接著實施每週2~3次,持續三個月之一對一線上教學,對象分別為零程度、中級與預備考美國AP中文考試之美國及德國華語學習者共97人。本研究採TPACK量表評估職前教師的線上教學TPACK知能,該量表經內部一致檢測與專家效度檢測後,透過前測、中測與後測的方式檢視職前教師TPACK之變化。此外,為瞭解平板電腦對同步遠距華語教學的影響,研究者於中測後將受試者分為iPad與筆記型電腦兩組,讓受試者使用不同的電子設備教學,並檢視兩組教師TPACK知能之差異。 研究結果為職前教師TPACK知能會隨著同步遠距教學的經驗而增加,而能使用兩種不同電子設備教學的教師TPACK又比只會使用筆記型電腦教學的教師有更高的成長幅度,另外科技教學知能確實會影響教師教學能力。職前教師在同步遠距教學中能有效地增進科技化華語教學知能,而這種高度運用數位科技實施華語教學的遠距教學方式,能讓職前教師更有效的增加科技化華語教學知能。


By the influence of the advancement of educational technology, the acceleration of internet speed, and the growth of Chinese language learners, synchronous teaching has become the trend of Chinese language teaching. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) has become an important indicator of the digital teaching ability of Chinese teachers in some researches. This study adapted TPACK to evaluate the abilities of 19 Pre-service Chinese teachers in the online teaching process to teach different Chinese level students from the United States and Germany, with a total of 97 students. In this study, the TPACK scale was used to evaluate the online teaching TPACK knowledge of pre-service teachers, and the changes in pre-service teachers’ TPACK were examined through pre-test, mid-test and post-test. In addition, the researchers divided the subjects into two groups of iPad and laptop, after their mid-test, we asked the subjects to use different mobile devices for teaching, and examined the differences in the TPACK of the two groups. The resulting research is that pre-service teachers' TPACK increases with the experience of synchronous teaching, and teachers who can use two different mobile devices to teach, results in TPACK having higher growth. In addition, TPK does affect teachers' teaching ability. Pre-service teachers can effectively improve TPACK in synchronous teaching, and this kind of remote teaching method that uses digital technology to implement Chinese teaching can enable pre-service teachers to increase TPACK more effectively.


