  • 學位論文


The Blood Typing Chip for Blood Transfusion

指導教授 : 張耀仁


血型分類目的在提供病人血液,使輸入的紅血球能適當存活,且 病人本身的紅血球不會受到輸入的血液成分破壞而發生溶血反應。在 血庫中心須經過自動化血液檢測機台的多項常規測試確保血液相容 性才能輸血給病人,但自動化機台價格昂貴且佔用相當大的空間。醫 院輸血的程序中常使用交叉配對實驗檢查捐血者與受捐者的血液凝 集反應程度。近來,人為操作的方式常用96 孔盤進行並透過肉眼判 定血液凝集程度,但該方法較為繁瑣及費力,不適合用來作為自動化 檢測的方式。而微流體晶片可以處理、操作微量體積的流體如試劑及 檢體,並可以在微流道內運輸流體進行稀釋、粒子分離、混合及反應。 本研究的目的旨在利用微機電技術製作出符合臨床上血液輸血前之 血型快速檢驗晶片,該晶片包含了微過濾器、微混合器、微流道、檢 測區塊、廢液存放區等相關微元件整合而成的複合式晶片。在實驗方 面,首先,晶片前端的微流道設計成可將血液分離出血漿及血球兩大 部分,並在血漿蒐集區計算出血漿採集率約為42.80%~50.80%,微過 濾器前端所採取到的白血球約為8~9 顆,而紅血球蒐集槽所採集到的 白血球數目則為0。第二,晶片中端設計微混合器作為混合試劑用, 將兩種不同色染料來驗證混合實驗,同時間採用直線流道來作為對照 組,並透過影像二值化分析兩種不同流道的混合效率,結果以微混合器的混合效果優於對照組。最後,以全血進行血型分類實驗,在晶片 末端的血型檢測區先以裸眼判讀血液凝集強度,再利用LabVIEW 撰 寫影像程式計算血液凝集面積加以輔佐,建立血液凝集強度於兩者間 的關係。在A 血型方面,血球凝集+1 的像素為6601.5,+4 的像素則 為24932.34;B 血型方面,血球凝集+2 的像素為14955.75,+3 的像 素則為22053.00。依照影像程式數據顯示,隨著血液凝集強度的增 強,二值化亦會呈現線性化增強的現象。


The purpose of blood typing is providing the blood of blood banking for the patients, surviving the input erythrocyte. The erythrocyte of patients will not destroy the composition of input blood causing hemolytic reaction. The blood bank must examine several routine inspection through the automatic blood inspection machine to insure the patient blood compatibility. But the automatic machine is expensive and take up more roomage. Cross matching usually uses to inspect the erythrocyte agglutination reaction of donators and donees. Recently, manual operation usually operates through the 96 wells and determines the class of erythrocyte agglutination by the naked eyes. But the 96 wells detection method is complex and time-consuming so that it cannot become automated test equipment. However, micro-fluidic chip can manipulate the micro volume such as reagents and specimen and carry on dilution, particle separation, mixture and reaction of the micro-fluidic transportation in the micro-channels. The purpose of the research is utilizing the MEMS technique to produce the clinical rapid blood typing chip which consists of micro-filter, micro-mixer, micro-channels, inspection area and reservoir wastes areas of complex chip. In the experiments, first all, the micro-channels of frontier chip was designed by separating the serum and blood and counted the serum collecting rate approximate 42.80% to 50.80%. The collected leukocyte on the front of micro-filter was approximate 8 to 9 cells, and on the erythrocyte collected champ was 0 cell. Secondly, the middle area of the chip was micro-mixer designed by mixing the reagents, combining the two colors dye to verify the mixture experiment. The straight micro-channels was adopted to be the control group simultaneously and analysis the mixture effects of two different micro-channels through the binary image. The result of the experiments is mixture micro-channels prior to the straights. Finally, the whole blood was injected in the chip for the blood typing examination. The agglutination class could be inspected by naked eyes on the blood type area in the end of the chip and counted the area of the erythrocyte agglutination by using the image program of the LabVIEW constructing the relations of the clinical and program. On the A type aspect, the pixels was 6601.5 and 24932.34 for the agglutination class +1 and +4 respectively. On the B type aspect, the pixels was 14955.75 and 22053.00 for the agglutination class +2 and +3 respectively. According to the data display of the image program, with the inhanced blood agglutination, the binary image also increased linearly.


BioMEMS BioChip Microfluidics Blood Typing


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