  • 學位論文


The Effect of Auditor Mandatory Rotation on the Quality of Financial Reporting: Evidence from Taiwan Electronic Industry

指導教授 : 張慧珊


過去文獻探討會計師輪調之相關議題,關注於輪調制度對於財務報導品質之影響,結果莫衷一是且較少進一步檢視兩名簽證會計師變動情形,也鮮少檢視會計師輪調與企業透過關係人交易進行盈餘管理之間的關係。有關國內財務報導品質的研究中,著重於裁決性應計項目之衡量。然而,採用裁決性應計項目僅能發現管理階層操縱裁決性計數的變動多寡或程度,並無法有效的捕捉到公司管理階層操弄盈餘的動機。故本研究以進行盈餘管理的動機之角度切入,考量管理階層是否有動機達到盈餘門檻且是否達成,作為財務報導品質之衡量。 本研究以2004年到2013年我國上市(櫃)電子產業公司為研究樣本,在該期間是否因會計師輪調使得公司財務報導品質有所影響,進一步討論事務所所內同年度同時輪調兩位會計師與一位會計師對於財務報導品質之影響程度,最後檢視會計師輪調是否對於管理階層藉由關係人交易操弄盈餘具有影響。 實證結果發現,在電子產業中,會計師輪調可改善公司財務報導品質。進一步檢測的會計師輪調人數情形,結果顯示同年度兩位或一位會計師的輪調對於公司財務報導品質並無明顯差別。表示我國目前雙簽會計師制度之訂立或許無實質效果。最後本研究檢測會計師輪調對於管理階層藉由關係人銷貨交易進行盈餘管理之影響。實證結果發現在電子產業中,會計師輪調對於管理階層透過關係人交易進行盈餘管理較無抑制影響。 敏感性分析中將電子產業分為上市公司及上櫃公司,上櫃公司之樣本結果顯示,會計師輪調有改善公司財務報導品質之效果。


The past study on mandatory auditor rotation mainly focuses on the effect of mandatory auditor rotation on the quality of financial reporting. However, the results of past study are inconsistent and few literatures investigate in number of audit partners involved in mandatory auditor rotation, neither few examines the association between earnings management using related-party transactions and mandatory auditor rotation. The past study used to use abnormal accruals as proxies of the extent of earnings management, but did not catch motivation of managers’ earnings management in Taiwan. Therefore, we consider the motivation of earnings management to discuss whether manager’s motivation to meet or beat earnings benchmarks, as proxies of earnings management, influence the quality of financial reporting. The sample companies are selected from the listed and OTC companies in Taiwan’s electronic industry during the period of year 2004 to 2013. The purpose of our study is to explore whether mandatory auditor rotation is associated with the quality of financial reporting. In addition, we investigate the effect of the number of changes of audit partners in a mandatory auditor rotation on the quality of financial reporting. Furthermore, we examine the association between earnings management using related-party transactions and mandatory auditor rotation. We find evidence of high financial reporting quality following a mandatory auditor rotation of companies in electronic industry. The effect of change of in-charge partner and reviewing partner in the same time is not significant, which indicates that change of both audit partners are indifferent to only rotation of one audit partner within the same audit firm in response to the mandatory auditor rotation policy. The result also shows that the constraining effect of mandatory auditor rotation on earnings management using related-party transactions is weak.


