  • 學位論文


Fluorescence quenching study of metal-organic frameworks adsorption of azo-dyes:Adsorption Isotherms Investigation

指導教授 : 李世琛




The fluorescence spectroscopy was used in this study to investigate the quenching effect of azo dye (methyl orange and methyl red isomers) on metal-organic frameworks. The adsorption isotherm models (Langmuir, Frenudlich, modified Langmuir) were used to investigate the adsorption behavior of azo dye in metal-organic frameworks. The fluorescence of metal-organic frameworks originated from the ligand in the structure absorbing excitation energy, then via ligand-to-metal charge-transfer energy to the central metal of metal-organic frameworks, resulted in fluorescence emission. Based on this light emission characteristic, the fluorescence signal of metal-organic frameworks declined as the concentration of azo dye increased. This is because the interaction between the dye molecules and metal-organic frameworks makes the dye molecules quench the light emission of metal-organic frameworks. The azo dyes at different concentrations have different quenching effects on metal-organic frameworks. The fluorescence signal was converted into adsorption capacity, and it was found that there is specific azo dye concentration-dependence of adsorption isotherms with different types of metal-organic frameworks. Finally, we have detailed discussions about the adsorption capacity and interaction between metal-organic frameworks and dyes.


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