  • 學位論文


Validation of computer version of self-assessment of stress and emotional rating scale

指導教授 : 周永燦


問卷調查為目前臨床研究廣泛使用之方法,情緒困擾是目前社會中常見之狀況,其中包括憂鬱、焦慮、睡眠障礙、壓力因應失調等心理生理疾病表徵,這些症狀表徵皆可由問卷調查方式評估並量化其症狀程度,以了解個人當下狀況。藉科技大幅度的發展所賜,現今電腦資訊發達且電腦普及與上網率非常高,使得許多問卷皆已由紙本轉變成電腦化形式。過去許多研究發現無論在心理計量或環保的觀點上電腦化問卷皆優於傳統紙本問卷,可改善傳統問卷之缺點,如回收率低、資料鍵入錯誤等,且電腦化問卷可即時呈現作答者當下的真實情況。目前在台灣這些評估方式皆由紙筆方式進行,甚少為電腦化問卷,加上目前台灣大力推行醫療電子化,若評估可藉由電腦化資料馬上回應至資料庫,對作答者追蹤及監控其情緒等心理表徵之變化 ,則電子化成效將更為提升。本研究擬探討與情緒困擾相關之六種自我評估問卷電腦化的驗證。本研究收集了30位正常受試者,隨機分派至電腦化問卷或紙本問卷,間隔兩週後再進行另一種形式之問卷,比較兩種不同形式之問卷複本信度,問卷包括憂鬱焦慮壓力量表、第二版貝克憂鬱量表、貝克焦慮量表、匹茲堡睡眠品質指標、史耐斯-漢米爾頓愉悅性量表及氣質自我評估量表,複本信度為0.61~0.92,唯匹茲堡睡眠及愉悅性量表之信度較低,其複本信度為0.61及0.62。本研究結果顯示電腦化問卷與紙本問卷其回答大致並無差異,可利用電腦化問卷取代紙本問卷評估,但匹茲堡睡眠及愉悅性量表須做部分修改才更適合使用電腦化問卷。目前台灣智慧型手機及可攜式螢幕裝置之普及性越來越高,對於應用軟體APP(smartphone application)的使用率也日益增加,期望後續研究可將此電腦化問卷概念擴展應用至APP軟體,建立更大之互動網絡,藉由其便捷性及功能性,讓更多人能受益及了解自己的身心狀態。


Questionnaire is the widely used clinicresearch method.In the society today, there are many people who suffered from mood disorder. They often have depression, anxiety, sleep problems, coping stress disability,to other psychosomatic problems.Survey is the common method to assess the recipients for the severeness of psychological disorders. In the past, many studies pointedout that computerized tests are superior to the traditional paper-and-pencil tests in psychological measurement and environmental protection. The most common method of conducting survey in Taiwan is still the traditional paper and pencil. Previous studies indicate the improvement of conducting computerized survey; such as higher recovery rate, less data typing errors, immediate response, etc.There are many hospitals implementing E-health care system in Taiwan. With computerized data, database is able to receive the feedback of survey almost instantly.Then E-health caresystemcan track and monitor their emotions, psychosomatic response, and any signs of changing in their lives. This researchfocus onstudying six scales of mood disorder, and validates the reliability of computerized survey.. The study collected 30 normal subjects and randomly assigned them to a computerized survey or paper survey. Another survey was assigned to them after two weeks. The result shows the parallel testreliability is 0.61~0.92. However, there are two set of scales, SPHS and PSQI, showed poorer parallel test reliability, 0.61 and 0.62. The study result confirmedthat computerized survey is no different from the traditional survey when recipients answered it. This suggested that we could replace the traditional survey with computerized method. The result also shows in order to fully replace the paper-and-pen survey, adjustments must be made for SPHS and PSQI. In Taiwan, the percentage of people using smart devices and APPs are increasing every year. In the future,there are possibilities to develop and conduct survey via APPs for easier access and faster response.


emotion stress self-assessment online survey


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