  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship among Management Leadership Style and Working Satisfaction in Electronics Manufacturing Industry Using Characteristics Of Jobs And Personality Traits as Moderator Variables -A Case of C Company

指導教授 : 陳蓁逸 高一誠


論文摘要 一家成功的企業通常都非常注重員工的滿意度,企業的領導者在治理公司方面,會積極的了解員工所需,站在員工的立場去思考,創造友善的工作環境,讓員工與企業共同成長,這也是人力資源管理者的願景。 對企業而言,員工是推動企業成長最重要的關鍵因素,在競爭激烈的大環境下,企業若要具有競爭優勢則必須留住關鍵人才,人才的流失除了會影響到企業的經營與成長外,所耗費的成本也是難以估算,尤其是台灣目前正面臨到勞動力短缺的局面,企業為了人才難尋的問題苦惱,要如何留住人才就顯得更加重要。 本研究對象是電子製造業從業人員為研究對象,經由文獻蒐集整理後,藉此瞭解製造業的從業人員對主管領導行為影響工作滿意度之現況,本研究問卷來源為網路發放,回收共計150份問卷,透過結構方程式模型 PLS-SEM 軟體進行統計資料分析。研究結果顯示:(一)在不同的領導行為下,對員工的工作滿意度具有顯著的影響;(二)在不同的領導行為下,對員工的工作投入具有顯著的影響;(三)在不同的領導行為下,對員工的工作滿足具有顯著的影響;(四)在不同的領導行為下,對員工的組織承諾具有顯著的影響。


Abstract A successful company usually attaches great importance to employee satisfaction. In terms of managing the company, the leader of the company will actively understand the needs of employees, think from the perspective of employees, create a friendly working environment, and allow employees to grow together with the company. This is also the vision of human resource managers. For an enterprise, employees are the most important key factor in promoting enterprise growth. In a highly competitive environment, if an enterprise wants to have a competitive advantage, it must retain key talents. The loss of talents will not only affect the operation and growth of the enterprise. , The cost is also difficult to estimate, especially Taiwan is currently facing a labor shortage situation, companies are troubled by the problem of hard to find talents, how to retain talents becomes even more important. The object of this research is electronic manufacturing industry practitioners. After collecting and sorting out the literature, we can understand the current situation of manufacturing industry practitioners’ influence on supervisory leadership’s job satisfaction. The source of this research questionnaire is distributed online, with a total of 150 collected. A questionnaire was used to analyze statistical data through the structural equation model PLS-SEM software. The research results show that: (1) Under different leadership behaviors, it has a significant impact on employees’ job satisfaction; (2) Under different leadership behaviors, it has a significant impact on employees’ work engagement; (3) Under different Under the leadership behavior, it has a significant impact on employees’ job satisfaction; (4) Under different leadership behaviors, it has a significant impact on employees’ organizational commitment.


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