  • 學位論文


Evaluating Domestic Generics Pharmaceutical Business Strategies in Response to the National Health Insurance Payment System

指導教授 : 胡宜中


藥品,不同於一般消費品,攸關人們身體健康及生命安全,屬於高度管制產業,需取得中央衛生主管機關核發之藥品許可證才能上市販售。為建立一個民眾「藥」安全的消費環境,我國自2015年1月1日起,西藥製造工廠全面實施GMP制度。為落實源頭管理,衛生福利部重申2015年12月31日前,西藥原料藥製造工廠亦應全面完成實施GMP之政策,並秉持時程不延長、標準不放鬆二大原則,以公平、公正及嚴格要求,確保原料藥的製造品質,確保藥品的品質。 在我國對藥品製劑廠之管理日趨嚴謹並與國際接軌的同時,行政院衛生署自1995年實施全民健康保險以來,已多次進行藥價調整作業。當藥價被調降時,醫療院所獲得之藥品價差減少,使得醫院重新與藥品供應商議價,倘若藥品供應商無法以較低售價給予醫院藥品價差,該藥品將會被其他廠商之同成分同劑量同劑型藥品取代。換言之,這個藥品的銷售量大幅減少,藥品供應商的利潤就被壓縮。 本研究利用德爾菲法(Delphi technique) 訪談多位醫藥業界的專家,藉由他們累積多年的專業經驗,就學名藥製藥廠如何在藥價持續降低而品質不斷的被要求提升的環境下,對影響經營策略之關鍵因素達成共識,評選出最佳之經營策略。 本研究之主要貢獻,即在於依據業界專業的訪談結果,找出影響學名藥製藥廠經營之關鍵因素,並提供建議採行之經營策略,以期提升藥廠之競爭力。




Drug, a highly regulated industry, is far from the ordinary consumer goods. It is vital to human’s health and life. Before it can be sold, it is required to register and obtain permission from TFDA (Taiwan Food & Drug Administration). In order to establish a patient safety environment, drug manufacturers are required to comply with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products) staring from January 1, 2015. To implement source management, all the western API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) manufacturing plants are required to fully implement GMP system reiterated by the Health and Welfare Ministry starting from December 31 2015. There was no any compromise. The major purposes are shown our strong determination to ensure manufacturing quality of APIs and further to ensure the quality of medicines. By complying with international standards related to medicines, drug manufacturing, the government pays much attention to raise the quality of all medicinal products. On the contrary, the Department of Health started national health insurance in 1995 has continuously reduced the drug prices. When drug prices are lowered, the medical institutions can’t make profit as well as it did before. The medical institutions will re-negotiate the price with drug suppliers. If the drug suppliers are unable to lower the price of drugs, the hospital administer will replace the drug by same components、same volume、same formulation. In other words, the revenue and margin of the drug will be significantly squeezed. In this study, we apply the Delphi method (Delphi technique) to interview with a number of pharmaceutical industry experts to learn from their abundant professional experiences by reaching consensus of key factors of business strategies on how Generics can sustain their business under such continuous price reductions and keeping upgrading drug quality at the same time. The main contribution of this study is to find out the key factors and alternatives of operating Generics by interviewing and doing the survey with the industry experts. We are endeavor to verify these key factors and alternatives to provide recommendations on business strategies to Generics to enhance the competitiveness of the pharmaceutical companies.


Business Strategies


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