  • 學位論文


The Legitimacy of Penalizing Sexual Procurement

指導教授 : 徐偉群


刑法的目的在於保護最低限度的利益衡平,而刑法需滿足此目的才能取得其存在之正當性。媒介為性交易體制中之重要第三人,針對媒介性交易所受的非難,該行為是否必然存在應罰的法益侵害,且已達到非得動用刑法的需罰性標準,頗具爭議性,值得深入探討。   有鑑於此,本文先分述我國與媒介性交易罪相關之實定法,探討既有法規範是否足以保護媒介者所侵害的法益;再比較世界各國對於性交易、媒介性交易的處理態樣與執行結果;進而綜覽各國對媒介性交易支持入罪化主張,並與去刑罰化論點相對照,以探察媒介性交易的應罰性及需罰性。   研究結果顯示,世界尚無任何國家成功的應用刑法或行政法的手段徹底將性產業禁絕。非法化僅迫使性產業潛入地下,徒增性工作者執業危險與公權力管理的困難。我國現存實定法之規制,實足適用於媒介性交易者所可能造成的法益侵害,即使要凸顯防制性剝削的重要性,現行之《兒童及少年性剝削防制條例》或《人口販運防制法》業已明文規範,實無需須於刑法第 231 條增列媒介行為其構成要件要素,徒使法令叠床架屋虛胖肥大。


A procurer is a key third party to a sex service, whose act of procurement is often subject to penalty. However, the assertion that procuring sexual services should be penalized is controversial, for such an act does not always infringe a legal interest to the extent which it has met the requirements of the necessity of punishment. This is an issue worth further exploring.   This thesis first reviews the current statutes in Taiwan that regulate sexual procurement to assess whether they are adequate to protect legal interests from being invaded by such acts. Next, the legal status, penalties, and enforcement on sex services and procurement in other nations are compared. The advantages and disadvantages of criminalizing sexual procurement are then presented. Finally, this thesis investigates the punishability and the necessity of punishment on sexual procurement.   Results indicate that no nation has successfully eliminated the sex industry by means of penal codes or administrative laws. Criminalization simply drives the sex industry underground while increasing sex workers’ occupational risks and the difficulties of law enforcement. The existing statutes in Taiwan, such as the "Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act" and the "Human Trafficking Prevention Act", are sufficient to safeguard legal interests against infringement as a result of sexual procurement. It is, therefore, unnecessary to add procuring sex services to the constituent elements of Article 231 of the Criminal Code so as to stress the importance of prohibiting sexual exploitation. Such an amendment would be redundant.


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