  • 學位論文


Operating environment and human factors engineering research on vehicles

指導教授 : 趙金榮


為了落實「國防自主」的政策,未來國軍自製機動裝備車輛的市場只會越來越大。專注於發展強大的武器裝備外,人的角色在武器裝備的發展歷程中,往往最容易被忽略,提升操作人員的環境,不但能有效發揮裝備的效能,還能減少使用人員受傷、裝備損壞的問題,提升整體作戰目標。 本研究依據道路交通安全規則及選定底盤車進行車廂設計,車廂長度5m,寬度2.4m,高度2.25m。車廂內依人員操作安全性及舒適性,考量美軍規範與國軍人體實際數據之差異,建立出一套屬於國軍的規範,針對操作台位置、坐椅、人員動線、維修空間及進出口空間等項目進行規劃;依日曬、裝備及人員所需,考量散熱及廢氣排放,進行總熱負荷分析,設計出可符合所有時段之空調系統;照國家職業安全規範計算人員操作所需照度作為配置照明環境,使用光通量法計算並用DIALux軟體進行模擬,車廂內人員於符合規範操作高度時,操作及維修區域平均照度可達523Lux及616Lux符合規範,實測實體車廂結果也驗證了模擬的準確性,人員操作區域平均可達500Lux,本設計可滿足廂內操作區域之照明設施觀視舒適度、視覺效益、視覺安全度需求。 本研究於機動車廂設計階段,即加入人因工程觀點,配合現今科技的發展,於有限的空間內進行規劃,同時將各種嚴苛條件納入考量,進行操作、空調、照明等評估,達到績效提升、簡單性、可靠性及系統操作安全目的,提供未來設計者實務應用之具體可行性,以人為中心,設計出符合裝備和人員共存的良好環境。


In order to implement the policy of "national defense independence", the future market for self-made motorized vehicles of the national army will grow bigger and bigger without doubt. In addition to focusing on the development of powerful weapons and equipment, human factors (or the human friendly environment) are often ignored the most easily in this development. Thus, humanizing the environment conditions for operators, which can not only effectively express the performance of the equipment, but also reduce problems with personnel injuries and equipment damage, and increase overall combat KPI. Based on the RTSR (Road Traffic Safety rules, ROC), this research represents a design of the chassis car whose size is limited to the length of 5m, the width of 2.4m, and the height of 2.25m. In the carriage, to harmonize with human operation safety and comfort, the space planning is considered with the position of the workbench, movement of personnel, maintenance space and import and export location. To fulfill the needs of the insolation, equipment and personnel, conduct a total heat load analysis considering the heat dissipation and exhaust emissions, and design an air conditioning system that can meet all time periods. According to the NOSS (National Occupational Safety Standards, ROC), the illuminance required by the personnel to operate as the configuration lighting environment is defined and calculated by the luminous flux method and simulated with DIALux software. Simulation results indicate that when the personnel in the carriage meet the standard working height, the average illuminance in the operation and maintenance area can reach 523Lux and 616Lux in compliance with the specification. The actual physical carriage results also verify the accuracy of the simulation, the illuminance spreading over the personnel operation area can reach 500Lux in average. The proposed design can meet the requirements of visual comfort, visual performance and visual safety applied on the lighting facilities in the working area inside the carriage. This research imports human factors engineering perspectives in the design stage of motor vehicles and gives a novel method to solve a space-limited issues with modern technology. At the same time, not only various harsh conditions are taken into consideration, but operability, air conditioning, and lighting are evaluated to achieve performance improvement, simplicity, reliability, and system operation safety.


1. 趙金榮、林久翔、馮文陽、姚怡然、曾楓億(2011),人因工程,高立圖書。
2. 郭憲鐘(2017),募兵後之後備部隊戰力強化問題研析,立法院-議題研析。
3. HINO,2020年中小型貨車300系列型錄。
4. Volvo,2020年Trucks FM 11 4x2 Tractor 型錄。
