  • 學位論文


The Impact of Brand Personality and Self-congruity on Brand Loyalty of Quick Service Restaurant Customers: a Study of Facebook Fan Page Users

指導教授 : 孫路弘




Today’s quick service restaurant (QSR) industry is highly competitive and challenging. Strong brands with distinctive personalities continuously lead by adapting innovative and creative marketing practices. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of brand personality and self-congruity on QSR customers’ loyalty as Facebook fan page users. The study also explores the relationship between Facebook fan page usage and dining behaviour. The research was conducted through literature review and quantitative analysis. Empirical data was aggregated from 103 Facebook fan page users of McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), and Burger King through online survey system. The study confirms that brand loyalty is positively influenced by brand personality and self-congruity. The findings also suggest that respondents with high Facebook fan page usage are significantly more loyal to the brand and tend to dine at the QSR more often compared to those with low usage. Marketers would benefit by effectively applying brand personality and self-congruity via Facebook to build strong brands.


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