  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Competencies, Joint Decision Making Based and Job Performance in hotel’s sales manager from Social Network Theory

指導教授 : 吳武忠


自2009年起至今,每年來台灣觀光旅遊人數都有大幅度的成長,國內的旅館如雨後春筍般增加。對旅館業而言,產業市場的競爭壓力日以俱增,各家旅館也更重視自身的績效,以維持企業成長,而旅館業務主管則肩負此重責大任。職能是旅館業注重的議題之一,因為職能會影響到整體企業績效、聲譽和長期的競爭力。對業務主管而言,提升職能不僅可以提升工作績效外,更能改變在社會網絡中的地位,加強網絡聯繫的方法之一。過去相關文獻指出職能對於工作績效有影響效果。然而,關於社會網絡理論和職能之間的關係以及職能之間的調節效果仍然缺乏實證研究。因此,本研究目的係以社會網絡觀點(1) 探討旅館業務主管自我管理能力、問題解決能力、與客戶服務能力對聯合決策能力的影響和探討聯合決策能力如何影響工作績效。(2) 探討旅館業務主管資訊分享能力、信任能力和組織的獎勵制度如何調節聯合決策能力共同影響業務主管的工作績效。本研究對象為旅館業務部主管,共計出648份問卷,回收165份。使用部分最小平方法(Partial Least Squares, PLS)進行資料分析的結果發現:(1)自我期望不會對聯合決策產生顯著影響。(2)問題解決與客戶服務能力對於業務主管聯合決策有顯著影響。(3)獎勵制度、信任能力與資訊分享皆會聯合決策調節工作績效。最後,根據研究的結果提供產學界一些建議。


The number of tourist to visit Taiwan has been growth since 2009. Now more and more hotel appears and competitive pressure increase. Hotel has to give more attention to their performance and maintain the growth of enterprises. Sales manager is the key that keep hotel increase revenue and profit. Hotel industry has been giving great importance to Competencies, because it will affect corporate performance and long-term competitiveness. Increase competencies can enhance sales manager job performance, moreover, change him/ her to better position in the social network. In the past research also showed that competencies can affect job performance. However, there is little empirical research about the relationship between competencies and joint decision making from social network theory prospect. With questionnaires mailed survey, this study had investigated sales managers from 648 hotels and returned 165 questionnaires. The results from a Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis of data found that sales manager’s competencies of problem-solving and customer service ability can affect his/ her joint decision making. Reward system in company, trust and information sharing influences sales manager’s job performance with decision. The results of the study offer suggestions for hotel industry.


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