  • 學位論文


Product Innovation to Sales Performance-The Perspective of Chefs

指導教授 : 吳武忠


本研究的目的是為了探討後利益的便利以及價值創造力如何讓廚師的能力影響銷售業績。本研究從客戶價值的角度,收集2012年的台灣連鎖餐廳年鑑以及台灣觀光局網站( http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/ )樣本,使用郵遞的方式發放問卷。此模型和假設採用結構方程模型進行測試。 本研究採取分層隨機抽樣方法,發放1000份問卷郵寄給連鎖餐廳 (700份連鎖餐廳,以及300份國際觀光旅館內的餐廳)。本研究調查對象為廚師,為負責餐廳內產品創新的關鍵人物,並邀請他們參與問卷調查(166份有效問卷)。 研究結果顯示,開發新產品的同時,餐廳可以將後利益的便利做為參考的方向。其次,有價值的產品能夠帶來商業機會,從而提高餐廳的經營業績。並且,供應商側邊學習是與公司的銷售業績呈正相關。最後,公司的銷售業績與隱性知識共享的結果也呈正相關。


產品創新 銷售績效 餐廳 廚師 顧客價值


The research goal of this study was to investigate how post-benefit convenience and value creation competence affect the sales performance of restaurants in light of the chef's competencies. In this study, a restaurant's sales performance model from the perspective of customer value was formulated and respondent samples from the 2012 Taiwan Chain Store Almanac and Tourism Bureau Website of Taiwan (http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/) were collected and a questionnaire survey to those who agreed to participate was sent by post. The model and hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. We take stratified random sampling method for this study, and totally 1000 questionnaires were sent by post to restaurants chain (700 to restaurant chain, and 300 to restaurant in International Tourist Hotel). We sent the research questionnaire to the chef, confirming the key person responsible for the product innovation of the restaurants and hotels, and inviting them in advance to be participants in the survey. (yielding a usable response of 166 fully completed questionnaires). First, development of new products at the same time, post-benefit convenience is that the restaurants pay attention to the main points. Second, the valuable product is able to bring business opportunities, thereby improving restaurants’ operating performance. Third, unilateral supplier learning is positively associated with firm sales performance in the study. Finally, the results of this study state tacit knowledge sharing associated with firm sales performance is supported


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