  • 學位論文

供應策略夥伴與顧客導向對營運績效之影響: 以線上購物之食品服務業為例

Supply Chain Partnership and Customer Orientation Impact on Operational Performance: Example for Food Service Industry in Online Shopping

指導教授 : 吳武忠


根據網際網路的發達,虛擬平台提供企業許多的行銷方式,過去研究甚少系統性地調查線上食品服務業顧客觀點整合及營運績效之間的關係,因此本研究以資源基礎理論探討線上購物之食品服務業之供應鏈策略夥伴與顧客導向對營運績效之影響,彈性為調節變相。本研究發放725份郵寄問卷,研究對象為台灣大型團購網站(例如:Ihergo、Groupon、17P)之廠商,共回收166份問卷,回收率為22.9%。 研究結果顯示線上購物廠商與供應商進行有效連結,將有助於降低庫存成本及減少食品的易腐性,因此廠商重新定義他們與供應商及顧客之間的關係,廠商藉由整合供應商及顧客的觀點有效規劃、開發新產品,增加他們之間的聯繫,進而提升整體營運績效。


According to the prevalence of the Internet, the virtual environment provides firms an advantage for increasing volume for sales; however, few studies have systematically investigated the relationship between integrated customer view and operational performance for food service companies.The research goal of this study was to investigate how supply chain partnerships and customer orientation affect the operational performance of food service companies by moderating flexibility. In total, 725 invitation messages were mailed to members of Ihergo, Groupon, 17P, of which, 166 were returned (a return rate of 22.9%).The findings of this study state linkage efficiency suppliers will reduce inventory and decrease perishable for food service companies based on the driving force to buy in the virtual environment; companies will redefine their business models by connecting suppliers’ and customers’ view, and by integrating customers’ opinions and queries for the planning and development of new products. Product innovation and reduction of the time to market by supplier integration and customer integration are important to food service companies, and flexibility plays an important role in food service companies.


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