  • 學位論文

卡那卡那富語之音韻研究: 最小實詞、單元音化及重音

A study of Kanakanavu phonology: Selected topics

指導教授 : 齊莉莎
共同指導教授 : 黃慧娟(Hui-chuan J. Huang)


卡那卡那富語是一個瀕臨消失的南島語言,分布於高雄市那瑪夏區瑪雅里及達卡努瓦里,人口約為260人。現今,僅有不到十位卡那卡那富族人士可以流利的以母語溝通。 本論文旨在探討卡那卡那富語之三項音韻議題:最小實詞、單元音化及重音。第一章介紹研究動機及卡那卡那富語之背景。第二章為卡那卡那富語音韻系統之文獻探討,主要包括。第三章根據作者2014至2016年間的田野調查,重新評估卡那卡那富語之音韻系統。此外,針對近八十年來語音系統的變化,本文提出不同的見解。第四章主要討論卡那卡那富語的最小實詞以及其效應。第五章解釋單元音化現象。第六章重新探討重音分布以及重音規則。最後,第七章總結此篇論文並點出本課題之研究展望。


Kanakanavu is a moribund Austronesian language spoken in the Manga and Takanua villages of Namasia District, Kaohsiung City. With a total population of about 260 people, there are fewer than ten fluent speakers left today. The thesis aims to explore three related phonological topics in Kanakanavu: minimal word, monophthongization and stress. Background information is given in the first chapter. Chapter 2 provides an overview of previous studies on Kanakanavu phonological system. Chapter 3 provides a reassessment of the Kanakanavu phonological system based on my fieldwork between 2014 and 2016. Moreover, I present another perspective on the phonemic inventory, which shows the changes of this language in the past eighty years. Chapter 4 deals with two issues, (i) minimal words and (ii) minimal word effect in Kanakanavu. In this chapter, types of minimal words in Kanakanavu as well as their theoretical implications are provided. Chapter 5 is about the monophthongization of the two mid vowels /e, o/. Chapter 6 presents an analysis of stress, based essentially on the theoretical framework of the autosegmental-metrical theory. The final chapter offers a conclusion.


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