  • 學位論文


The Scene of Eighties and Lyrical Expression in Jiang Yun’s Novels

指導教授 : 曾守仁


本論文擬以中國現當代文學作家蔣韻為考察對象,欲通過「時代圖景」和「抒情體現」兩大面向,以切入論述蔣韻的小說文本。   目光首先聚焦於維繫蔣韻寫作素材的重要經歷,主要來自被譽為「文藝復興」、「文學的黃金年代」的八○年代。除了盡可能地還原展示此時代風景外,也必須對比接續的九○年代與其的差異性,如此就會發現,前者是如何形塑了蔣韻的價值立場和審美追求,亦使她在往後對這段流金般的歲月,反覆地進行追索和敘說。而這種幾乎成為蔣韻小說賴以存在的框架,實則是以一種隱晦的方式,表達了對當今這個不需要文學文化,而是消費商品當道的時代的愛憎。   再從有「詩的年代」之稱的八○年代的遺產著眼,其造就了蔣韻小說寫作中隱含的詩性特徵及抒情傾向,這種主觀的抒情性體現在幾個方面:一是隨著時間的推移及社會形態的急遽變化,令蔣韻更注重對精神自我的安頓,這是她再次相遇「前生前世」的方式;二是強調普通人的「小敘事」才有可能消解「大歷史」的固定範式,呈現真實生動的面貌;三是「重複」的敘述行為作為一種寫作策略,實為蔣韻主動強化基本態度的詮釋取向,而最能體現出抒情精神的則是對世態人情之美的描寫;四是擁有女性意識的寫作,無疑正是蔣韻自身性別立場和抒情特質的完美結合。   蔣韻以特有的抒情基調和詩意筆觸,成為當代作家中「抒情性」尤為濃厚並且彰顯的一家。然而,因其致力於對理想性的追尋,以對抗這個不愛的時代,導致蔣韻對於那個逝去的時代是言猶未盡,卻並沒有太多對當下世道人心的關注和反映。這種「獨特性」和「侷限性」,可以說是作家有意識地選擇「轟轟烈烈一群人之外的形單影隻的一個」,落單的姿態。


蔣韻 八○年代 抒情傳統 詩意 女性書寫


This dissertation intends to examine Jiang Yun, a contemporary Chinese literary writer, through two major perspectives: "the picture of the times" and "lyrical expression", in order to discuss his fictional texts.   The focus is first on the important experiences that sustain Jiang Yun's writing materials, mainly from the 1980s, which is known as the "Renaissance" and "the golden age of literature". In addition to restoring as much of the landscape of this era as possible, it is also important to compare the differences between the succeeding 1990s and it, so as to discover how the former shaped Jiang Yun's value stance and aesthetic pursuit, as well as how she repeatedly sought and narrated this golden era in the future. This framework, on which Jiang Yun's novels are almost based, is in fact a subtle way of expressing her love and hatred for the present era, in which consumer goods are the norm instead of literary culture.   This subjective lyricism is manifested in several ways: first, with the passage of time and the rapid changes in social patterns, Jiang Yun pays more attention to the settlement of her spiritual self, which is her way of encountering the "past life" again; second, she emphasizes that only the "small narratives" of ordinary people can Third, the act of "repetition" as a writing strategy is in fact Jiang Yun's initiative to strengthen the basic attitude of interpretation, while the most lyrical spirit is the depiction of the beauty of the world and human feelings.   With her unique lyrical tone and poetic strokes, Jiang Yun has become one of the contemporary writers whose "lyricism" is particularly strong and prominent. However, because of his dedication to the pursuit of idealism in order to confront this unlovely era, Jiang Yun has not yet finished his words about the departed era, but does not pay much attention to or reflect on the current world. This "uniqueness" and "restriction" can be said to be the writer's conscious choice to be "a solitary one outside the sensational group of people", an isolated posture.


Jiang Yun 1980s lyrical tradition poetry women's writing


