  • 學位論文


The Current Status and Outlook of the Chinese Taipei Paralympic Committee Promoting Sports for the Disabled

指導教授 : 程瑞福


殘障運動自第二次世界大戰後開始蓬勃發展,從重視運動復健為始,協助身心障礙者藉休閒運動走向戶外,進而發展自我潛能。臺灣地區身心障礙者運動參與人口隨著生活品質改善使得運動參與人口大幅提高。國內於1984年成立中華民國殘障體育運動協會,負責推展肢障、視障與智障者的殘障運動,後於1998年改制為中華民國殘障體育運動總會。 本研究之具體目標為:1.瞭解國內推展殘障運動的現況。2.瞭解我國參與國際殘障運動的績效。3.殘障體總推行殘障運動所遇到的困難與限制,以提供殘障體總未來發展殘障運動的方向與建議。本研究採質性研究方式透過文獻分析法與半結構式訪問。對殘障體總高層主管、運動教練與專家學者進行訪談與殘總文獻資料收集後進行分析與整理。研究結果如後:1.我國殘障體總推動殘障運動已朝向制度化發展,具有完整組織架構,行政組織漸趨完整。2.殘障體育運動推展主要目的是希望殘障者喜愛運動,殘障運動員的選拔、訓練、參賽已從重視復健轉變為競技化,最終目的在提攜身心障礙者發揮其運動潛力,促進殘障者身心健康。3.我國殘障體總積極參與國際殘障運動組織,爭取國際賽事在臺灣舉行,提昇殘障體育運動交流國際化與國際殘障體育運動組織接軌。未來發展方向宜培養殘障運動專業人才,應廣結社會資源與熱心人士,共同培養專業教練、體位分級師、裁判、運動技術官員等支援


Sports for the disabled began to flourish after World War II. To assist persons with disabilities to take recreational sport into the open air from a focus on the rehabilitation begins, and then develop their own potential. Sports for the disabled in Taiwan to participate in a substantial increase in the population with the quality of life to improve the movement in population Chinese Taipei Sports Association for the Disabled (CTSOD) was established in 1984, it is responsible for the disability movement to promote physical disabilities, visually impaired and mentally challenged. CTSOD restructuring to Chinese Taipei Paralympic Committee (CTPC) in 1998. The purposes of this study were to 1) Understanding of the domestic promotion of the current status of the disability movement; 2) Understand Taiwan's participation in the performance of the international disability movement; 3) The encountered difficulties and limitations. Provide recommendations and direction of the future development of the disability movement in CTPC. This study trough literature analysis and semi-structured interview the CTPC executives, sports coaches and scholars. CTPC’s literature data were collected for analysis and sorting. All the results showed that: 1) CTPC has been a complete organizational structure; 2) The main purpose of the disability sports movement to promote disabilities who loved sports. Let disabilities to realize their sporting potential and promote physical and mental health; 3) CTPC always actively involved in international disability sport organizations, to win international competitions held in Taiwan, to enhance the international disability sports exchanges with the international disability sport organizations standards. Future development of the sports for the disabled will be focused to train the professionals of the disability movement, to form social resources and enthusiasts together to cultivate professional coaches, international classifiers, referee, sports technical advisors.


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