  • 學位論文


The Constructivist Beliefs of High School Computer Teachers

指導教授 : 吳正己


本研究以台北市13所公立高中共22位電腦教師為研究參與者,目的旨在瞭解高中電腦教師的教學是否讓學生瞭解到科學與日常生活的相關性、教師的科學本質觀、教師所營造的教學環境是否可讓學生對於其教材教法表示意見、教師是否和學生分享其權力、教師於課堂上是否提供機會讓學生和其他同學討論等五個面向之建構式教學信念,並欲探討不同背景(如性別、年齡、相關科系、教學年資等)的電腦教師其建構式教學信念有何差異。研究方法主要是以量表瞭解參與教師的建構式教學信念,為明確瞭解教師的建構式教學信念,亦針對教師所教授的班級進行施測,最後輔以課堂觀察與訪談以進一步探討高中電腦教師的建構式教學信念及其相關影響因素。 研究結果顯示,高中電腦教師僅在與學生分享其權力部份傾向傳統教學,課程規劃上大多以其為中心,較少與學生一同規劃上課內容及學習活動;其餘面向之教學信念則均傾向於建構式教學。教師在教導學生瞭解科學與日常生活的相關性之面向自認的建構式教學信念比學生實際所感受到的要高,可能是因為教師僅是舉例引證讓學生瞭解電腦科學的相關概念,而非讓學生將其所學到的電腦科學相關知識實際運用到日常生活,建構出屬於他們自己的知識。教師在與學生分享其權力之面向自認的建構式教學信念比學生實際所感受到的要低,可能是臺灣學生普遍有尊師重道的觀念,即使課程內容大多以教師為中心進行規劃,學生也都能接受。此外,高中電腦教師的建構式教學信念會因性別不同而有些許差異,女性教師在科學本質觀及瞭解學生學習情況部份表現出較男性教師為高的建構式教學信念。


This study aims to investigate the constructivist beliefs of high school computer teachers and how their background (such as gender, age, college major, and years of teaching computer courses) may affect their beliefs. The constructivist beliefs of teachers were examined from six dimensions: personal relevance, uncertainty, critical voice, shared control- teaching, shared control- learning, and student negotiation. A questionnaire designed to survey the constructivist beliefs of teachers was distributed to twenty-two computer teachers from thirteen public high schools in Taipei City. To further understand if there are differences between what teachers self-reported in the questionnaire and what their students actually perceived was also conducted to a class of students. Following the questionnaire survey, classroom observations and interviews were carried out to clarify questions that had emerged from the preliminary questionnaire analysis results. The analysis of the questionnaires suggested that the beliefs of computer teachers occupied over the middle ground of the constructivism, except in shared control- teaching, that both the teachers and their students considered teachers less constructivism in sharing power with students in planning instructional contents and activities. The differences found was in two dimensions, which were the personal relevance and shared control- teaching. Classroom observations and interview data revealed that the discrepancy in personal relevance could be due to the fact that teachers tended to illustrate course materials from their personal experience, rather than from students’ perspectives. The discrepancy in shared control- teaching could be due to the traditional culture of respecting teachers, which made students be more inclined to accept what teachers planned for them. The teachers’ constructivist beliefs were influenced by gender differences. Female teachers would emphasize more on teaching the science nature than the male teachers; and that students were more like to share their learning situations with female teachers than male teachers.


