  • 學位論文


My Dream to Get Rich – A Discussion of Modern Ink Painting by Lin Ming-Chia

指導教授 : 李振明


摘 要 隨著經濟資本主義化以及社會日益多元開放等等的變化,臺灣社會,不論是在社會結構或人際關係上,都已經與傳統社會觀念不同。伴隨而來的功利主義發展,經由財富重分配的過程,社會上掌握政治權力及社會資源及自然資源分配權的已得利益者,逐漸聚集形成貴婦名媛等上流階級,也帶動時尚拜金次文化盛行。 同時間,處於M型社會弱勢族群的中產階級,惟有抱著發財的夢想在職場上求生存,才有力量自在的面對越來越嚴苛的經濟條件,開創屬於自己的一片天空。   現代水墨繪畫發展已有不同面貌,加上社會思想多元開放,對於畫作題材與風格漸漸跳脫過往的窠臼,水墨創作業已邁向新紀元新時代。其中卡漫風格是指將卡通漫畫的造型趣味與美感帶入藝術表現,是類卡通漫畫的繪畫表現。 近年來,亞洲的藝術生態掀起了一波「卡漫藝術」流行風潮,引用卡漫的圖像做為藝術表現語言的創作手法。因此本文將針對卡漫風進行相關之研究與分析。經由國內外相關的卡漫風的歷史淵源與理論基礎的探索,繼而整理歸納卡漫風格的特色。對於卡漫風格的水墨繪畫創作,將有更深一層的了解與認識。最後將研究後之心得與想法應用於實際的個人創作當中,一方面藉以印證卡漫風格詮釋的妥適性,一方面也紀錄屬於現代的生活背景。 關鍵字: 拜金主義、小資女孩、卡漫風


拜金主義 小資女孩 卡漫風


Abstract: Since the capitalism developed and society changed quickly, economic structure and interpersonal relationship difference from traditional idea in taiwan. And then utilitarianism comed with that. So Fortune distributed again, the orginal owners of the politics power and society and natural resources would be together progressively to become the upper class, socialite, they made the fashion subculture of money worship. At the same time, the weakness class ,the middle class of the M-Shaped Society, maybe can survial well and make the good futher by the dream to get rich while facing the more difficult economic conditions. There are various way of the developing for traditional ink painting today. In additional, changing of the social idea causes to the materials out of the control for the traditional idea restrictions. Traditional ink painting is the new age now. Comic style means that funny form and beautiful sense take into the art display. It is the ink painting like but not the comic. In recently , the comic style art is taking on in asia, it takes the comic style into the art display. For the reason, I would like to analyze about the comic style ink painting by researching the relational history and therom at home and aborad to make up some characteristics for comic style ink painting. It would be useful to understand the traditional Chinese painting of comic style. Finally, I am going to talk about my own creative idea and form appild with my studying reflection. It not only proves the accuracy to take the comic style but records the moeden life. Key words: money worship, office girls, comic caricature.


money worship office girls comic caricature


1. 尼爾.弗格森(Niall Ferguson),《文明:決定人類走向的六大殺手級Apps》,黃煜文譯,臺北:聯經出版公司,2012年。
2. 克萊夫‧貝爾,《藝術》,周金環、馬鍾元合譯,臺北:商鼎文化出版社,1991年。
3. 李霖燦,《中國美術史稿》,台北市:雄師圖書股份有限公司,1987年12月。
