  • 學位論文


The Dilemma and Vent We Encountered after Constitutional Amendment in Taiwan, Republic of China in 1998

指導教授 : 黃人傑博士


本文分別從我國政治思想與制憲沿革、先進民主國家體制、我國修憲後中央政府運作的困境,去蕪存菁以「五權內閣制」為未來修憲方向。 一、第二章第一節,是研究我國的政治思想演變系統,「因襲吾國固有之 思想」才能適合國情,為理論基礎「國內篇」。 二、第二章第二節,研究民主思想出現後,世界各民主國家中央公職人員的 產生與演變過程,為理論基礎「國外篇」。 三、第三章,研究強人威權政治後的民選總統領導修憲,因「個人領導」方 向的偏差,導致憲政失衡。將實際政治運作與第二、三章的理論基礎印 證,是修憲後憲政理論運作實地觀察的「實務篇」。 四、第四章,以純粹學術研究立場觀之,本章研究資料可謂十分豐富。一般 政治學書籍所討論的政治缺失泰半呈現;但好在卻不及德國希特勒極權 獨裁危害國家之烈;只是國家領導人利用前總統修憲造成的缺失,操弄 成近似「威權獨裁」,人民只在選舉時是頭家。對活在當下的人而言, 是不幸的。我們並不希望「親身體驗」,卻無奈。這是理論(基礎)付 諸實際運作最佳研究的「理論實務篇」。依循此章,如能智慧地提出 「制度之道」,當係國家幸甚、頭家幸甚! 五、第五章,依據前四章理論、實務與政治運作經驗,提出適用於我國家的 「五權內閣制」及中央公職人員職掌的配套方案。在第四節,則論及有關 團體及公民的社會責任。期盼健全的公民教育,而能關心國政人人有 責。 六、第六章,政治制度的建立與政治文化的傳承,固然依賴憲法條文的制度 化,道德教育與社會教化也要同等重視。一國憲法要具有國家性、國際 性、世界性的前瞻性,才是憲政方向,才能為人民創造更多的財富;能 使政府執政的表現、成績做為政黨輪替的依據,才是民主政治的常規, 才是人民的憲法。 民主國家透過選舉的篩選勝出,而能擔任一方首長者,其能力絕不致於太差。民主國家主政者不必「絕頂天才」,只要他不被權力腐化,能心存善念按步就班為民服務,就夠了。如有識人眼識為國物色拔擢「經理人才」,就會出現「政治奇蹟」。簡言之,政治人物只要不違犯第三、四章錯誤,杜絕貪腐行為;而依據第二章內容,去蕪存菁;修正第五、六章成為「制度」,建立慣例,傳承為柔性憲法,應能減少政治弊害至最低。


Base on the facts of political thoughts and constitutional amendment and the cause of change and development in Taiwan, the political frame of developed democratic countries as well as the dilemma our government has encountered after constitutional amendment, this article has delivered the message of “the Five-Power Cabinet System” is the ultimate option for constitutional amendment here in Taiwan, R.O.C. in the future. 1. Chapter 2-1 is to study the evolution of Taiwan’s political thoughts and philosophy over the years. The chapter has found that in order to find the most suitable constitution thesis for Taiwan is to follow the conventions and traditions of inherent thoughts in Chinese history. Chapter 2-1 is the basic theory of “Domestic Volume” of this thesis. 2. Chapter 2-2 is to study the changes and development of public servants in major democratic countries after the appearance of democratic thoughts in the world. This is the basic theory of “Abroad Volume” of this thesis. 3. Chapter 3 is to look into how elected president to lead constitutional amendment after the ruling of authoritarian party. The chapter has found that the disequilibrium of a constitutional government was caused by the deviation of leadership. Chapter 3 has proved the theories in Chapter 2 and 3 by providing the real time political movement that occurred over the years. Chapter 3 is the “Practice Volume” of real time observation after constitutional amendment. 4. Chapter 4 is to discuss the overall political ideas from the viewpoints of political science research by providing quite a few data. Chapter 4 has found that the unfortunate this is when a leader uses the constitutional amendment mistakes made by previous leader to manipulate the politics to nearly authoritarian politics, people is only important when election is up. We certainly hope we don’t have to experience it but we can do nothing about it. Therefore, this is the best “Real-experience Volume” of applying theory to the real life in politics. 5. According to the theory, real time experience of political movements and collaboration discussed in Chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4, Chapter 5 has suggested the best solutions of “Five-Power Cabinet System” and the duty of public servants. Chapter 5-4 is to discuss the responsibilities of relevant organizations and citizens, hoping to raise the awareness of caring our own political status by giving our people the best and complete citizen education. 6. Chapter 6 is to reveal the establishment of political system and the legacy of political culture. We believe ethic education and society influence are just as important as institutionalized constitution. A country’s constitution has to include global prospective in order to create more riches to people. Most importantly, the result of which party shall lead our country rests on the performance of the ruling party should be the conventional practice of democracy and this is “THE” constitution that belongs to people.


