  • 學位論文


The analyzation text in the high school fine art textbook -"World Visual Art."

指導教授 : 林仁傑


教育問題千頭萬緒,有時看似複雜的問題其實解決方法非常單純,有時看似簡單的問題卻隱藏許多複雜的因子,光從量化的統計是難以看出其底蘊,Eisner(郭禎祥譯2008:219)說:「在人類各種領域探索當中,最能體會質性特質的莫過藝術作品」,美術教科書是介紹藝術的重要媒介與平台,但是相關質性研究卻不多,正如Eisner(郭禎祥譯2008:219)所言:「有關藝術方面的質性研究少之又少」。 本項研究旨在探討高中美術教科書如何呈現「世界美術」的概念,根據課程意識形態的理論並運用批判論述分析的方法梳理出論述的類型與脈絡,以探討其意義是如何被建構,進一步提出文本之建構與再建構的批判,試圖透過這個過程來了解高中美術教科書中的「世界觀」以及其中所承載的觀點,以及不被看到的部份是什麼,最後連結到社會脈絡。 本研究目的有三;1.分析現有版本之高中美術教科書鑑賞領域中的世界美術現況,嘗試運用不同觀點了解美術教科書的可能性。2.探討高中美術教科書中的世界觀中所透露的課程意識形態。3從教學實務面對現有教科書世界美術教材提出反省。研究問題為1.現有高中美術教科書中的「世界美術」是何面貌?2.檢視教科書中世界美術的論述,與其中所承載的觀點是什麼。3.教科書中所呈現出來的世界美術與沒有呈現出來的各是什麼? 研究結論有三: 一、 現有高中美術教科書中的「世界美術」偏向以西方為中心的面貌。 二、 教科書中的世界美術的論述透露出二元論述的藝術史思維。 三、 教科書中世界美術主要呈現的是西方世界,且未呈現與之相反對的Islam世界。 四點研究建議: 一、 高中美術教科書的世界美術篇幅應該擴大,但是不需以西方美術史為中心。 二、 美術史教學可以採取「小敘述」的方式。 三、 美術教科書後設研究有其必要性。 四、 提出對後續研究的建議。


The education problem is a very complicated one. At times, some problems appear complicated, but the resolution is rather simple. Other times, problems look simple, but they in fact contain complicated hidden factors. It is hard to see the true reality of it just by quantitative statistics. Eisner(郭禎祥譯2008:219)said, “Out of all fields of human explorations, nothing better exemplifies ‘qualitative’ features than artworks.” Art textbooks are important media and platform in the introduction of art, but related qualitative researches are rare. It is exactly as what Eisner(郭禎祥譯2008:219)said, “Art-based qualitative researches are exceptionally rare.” This study aims at a discussion on how the art textbooks of high schools express the concept of “World Art.” Based on the theory of ideology in the curriculum, the critical discourse analysis is used to categorize the types and contexts of the discourse in order to expound how their meanings are constructed, and further comments on the construct and re-construct of the text. In the process, attempts are made to find out the “world view” and the viewpoint carried in the art textbooks of high schools, what portions are omitted, and what is eventually connected to social context. The threefold purposes of this study are: 1. To analyze current world art in the field of appreciation contained in current editions of high school art textbooks in an attempt to understand art textbooks with a different viewpoint; 2. To discuss the curriculum ideology implied by the world view of high school art textbook; 3. To propose introspection against teaching materials of world art in textbook from the standpoint of practical teaching. The problems to the study are: 1. What appears in “world art” of current high school art textbooks. 2. To inspect the elaboration on world art in the textbook and find out what viewpoint it carries. 3. What is or is not presented in the textbook of world art? There are three conclusions in this study: 1. The “world art” in current high school art textbooks is generally western-centric. 2. The disclosure of world art in textbooks reveals the art history ideology of binary discourse. 3. The world art in textbooks focuses on the western world instead of the opposite Islam world. There are four suggestions in this study: 1. The coverage of world art in high school art textbooks should be extended. The western art history need not be the main focus. 2. The teaching of art history may be imparted in “small narratives.” 3. Follow-up researches on art textbooks are essential. 4. Propose recommendations for future researches.


