  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 許瑛玿


本研究主要探討不同的探究式教學法對於高一學生科學探究能力成長的影響,包含「提出問題與假說」、「計畫」、「實驗與資料蒐集分析」與「詮釋與結論」四個向度。本研究採準實驗研究法,對象為台北縣某國立高級中學高一學生,在現行的基礎地球科學課程中,以「校園氣象觀測」為主題,進行結構式、引導式及開放式三種不同類型的探究教學。 分析學生於探究課程前後科學探究能力及地球科學教室學習環境偏好的變化情形,結果顯示:(1)平均而言,學生在探究課程前後的整體科學探究能力沒有明顯成長,但在「提出問題與假說」向度有明顯成長,且不同探究能力的學生接受不同探究式教學法後的效果稍有不同。(2)起始科學探究能力低分組的學生在課程前後探究能力的成長情形優於中、高分組。(3)結構式探究對於「提出問題與假說」能力的增長最有幫助,也能幫助低分組學生增長其「實驗與資料蒐集分析」能力。(4)引導式探究可幫助中、低分組增長其「提出問題與假說」能力,也對中分組學生在「計畫」向度、低分組學生在「詮釋與結論」向度有所助益。(5)開放式探究能幫助高分組增長其「計畫」能力。 本研究證明為期兩週的探究課程,可以提升起始科學探究低能力學生各向度的能力,並受到大部分學生的喜愛,且多數學生認為探究課程所營造的學習環境較符合他們的理想。然而,在現實環境中,學生較少機會從事以學生為中心的探究活動,需要教師適時指導。教師可以考量學生的探究能力,採行合適的探究式教學法,以呈現最佳效果。


This study aims to examine the influences of three different methods of inquiry-based teaching on senior high school students’ scientific inquiry abilities including posting questions and hypothesis, planning, experimenting, data collecting and analyzing, and interpreting and concluding. The three inquiry-based teaching methods used in this study were based on the different amount of teacher guidance including structured inquiry, guided inquiry, and open inquiry in a topic related to weather observation. The participants on this quasi-experimental research were three classes of tenth graders in Taipei County. The results showed that: (1) overall, students’ scientific inquiry abilities didn’t have a significant difference before and after the inquiry-based lesson, but their performances were improved obviously in posting questions and hypothesis. (2) the low achievement students made significantly improvement than the medium achievement students and high achievement students in the overall inquiry abilities after the inquiry-based lesson. (3) the structured inquiry was the most helpful to improve the ability of posting questions and hypothesis; especially, it helped the low achievement students improve their abilities of experimenting, data collecting and analyzing. (4) the guided inquiry helped the low achievement students and medium achievement students improve their abilities of posting questions and hypothesis. Also, the guided inquiry improved the medium achievement students’ ability of planning, and the low achievement students’ ability of interpreting and concluding. (5) the open inquiry improved the high achievement students’ ability of planning. Therefore, this study demonstrated that the two-week inquiry-based lesson enhanced the low achievement students’ abilities of all dimensions in inquiry and the most of students reported that they liked the inquiry-based lesson on a perspective questionnaire. Moreover, a large number of students thought that the inquiry-based learning environment was correspondent with their ideal learning environment. However, in actual, students have very few chances to undertake student-centered inquiry. It is suggested that teachers adopt suitable methods of inquiry-based teaching in order to promote students’ achievements.




