  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 楊文金


本研究探討不同文本及教學對學生光合作用迷思概念的釐清及新概念的習得效應。 文本改寫乃根據中文特性及科學語言的特性所存在的零代詞、名詞組的隱含分類、文本的蘊含序列等現象進行改編;教學則以命名、拆解兩種科學語言遊戲進行教學。 研究設計採前、中、後測三組實驗設計,前測於閱讀文本前進行,檢測學生迷思概念情形;中測於閱讀後進行,檢測閱讀文本後迷思概念的改變以及新概念的習得情形;後測於教學後進行,檢測教學後迷思概念以及新概念的改變情形。 研究對象為台北市某國中七年級6個班224位學生。6個班中其中2個班閱讀改寫文本+科學語言遊戲教學;2個班閱讀現行版本+科學語言遊戲教學;2個班閱讀現行版本+傳統教學。 本研究之量化分析是以成對樣本t檢定、共變數分析(ANCOVA)等方法呈現,探討學生閱讀理解效果;並繪製教師教學口語之主題類型圖等質性資料,以詮釋教學效應。另藉由教學後一週內的晤談,抽取12位在測驗前、後想法改變的學生,以了解文本改寫以及教學對學生科學文本語意理解的影響。 本研究結果顯示: 一、 學生在閱讀根據中文特性及科學語言的特性所改寫的文本後,對迷思概念減輕以及新概念的習得效果優於現行文本。 二、 在融入「命名」、「拆解」兩種科學語言遊戲教學後,科學語言遊戲組的學生在教學後測驗表現優於傳統教學組,顯示科學語言遊戲教學有助於迷思概念減輕以及新概念的習得。


This research discusses the effects of different texts and teaching for students to rectify the misconceptions and gain the new conceptions of photosynthesis. Rewrote tests are revised by the phenomenon of zero pronoun, implicated classification of NPs and implicated sequence of texts with the concept of the features of Mandarin and the property of science language. For teaching’s part, the research uses two concepts of naming and decomposition into science language games teaching. The research designs three steps for this test: pre-test, mid-test and post-test. Pre-test is the test before reading that examines students’ misconceptions. Mid-test is the test after reading that examines the changes of misconceptions and acquires of new conceptions by reading different texts. Post-test is the test after teaching that examines students’ misconceptions after teaching and the changes of new conceptions. There are 224 samples from six classes for the 7th Grade students of one junior high school in Taipei. Students of two classes are tested by reading the rewrote texts and teaching through the science language games. Other two classes’ students are tested by reading the current text and teaching through the science language games. Another two classes’ students are tested by reading the current text and teaching through the traditional way. The quantitative analysis will be showed through paired sample t-test and ANCOVA that will understand the effects for students’ reading comprehensions. Also the qualitative material will be presented by drawing the figure of “Thematic Patterns” through spoken language of teacher’s teaching that could explain the effects of teaching. Also, for one week teaching and doing interview for 12 random sampling students who change the concept after the testing, that will understand the effects of rewrote texts and teaching for the semantic understanding of science texts to students. The conclusions of this test are showed: 1. After students reading the rewrote texts that are revised by the features of Mandarin and the property of science language, the effects of reducing the misconceptions and acquire the new conceptions are better than reading the current texts. 2. After merging two concepts of naming and decomposition into science language games teaching, the students of science language games who show the better testing expression than the students of the traditional teaching. Also the teaching through the science language games will help students to reduce the misconceptions and acquire the new conceptions.






劉建言 (2010). 「文本的改寫」與「科學語言融入教學」對七年級學生學習神經系統單元的影響 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315184169
