  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 葉德明教授


有效地學習華語文並且正確地運用在不同的情境,真正達到溝通的目的,是所有華語文學習者以及教學者共同的目標。在華語文教學的領域中,不論是課程的設計、教材的編寫、課室的經營、教學與評估等各環節都影響著教學的效果,而好的教學方法若能搭配適當的、豐富多元的教材,相信更能達事半功倍之效果。 從僑務委員會的僑教發展方針與策略觀之,該會教材中從過去傳統中華文化的灌輸,到今天因應政治、社會環境的變遷,強化台灣多元主體文化的演變,都顯示著「文化」在其中扮演的角色相當重要,然而,「文化」定義如此廣泛難以精確闡述,那麼「文化」的概念如何巧妙地置於華語文教學之中?如何輔助華語文教學?又如何協助學習者掌握母語之外的第二語言?本文即欲探討僑務委員會已出版之平面教材及網路教材,歸納分析現有教材當中有關文化點導入華語文教學的現況與不足之處,並輔以問卷調查的需求統計分析,期能進一步提出具體建議,有利於未來文化題材方面之華語文教材規劃與開發。 本文共分為六章,第一章說明研究動機目的、研究方法、研究範圍以及名詞釋義;第二章為文獻探討,蒐集彙整文化教學相關研究,歸納文化導入華語教學之要素與方法;第三章為文化教學現況調查,以問卷統計方式調查目前華語文教師文化教學現況及需求;第四章針對僑委會所出版之教材進行文化觀點探討,得知僑委會教材文化導入現況;第五章依據前述研究針對文化導入華語文教材的編寫與開發提出建議;第六章總結研究結論,並說明研究限制與未來研究發展建議。


It is the objective for all the Chinese learners and educators to learn the Chinese language effectively and communicate with others in daily life. In the field of language teaching, just like the topic of course design, preparation of teaching materials, classroom management, teaching and assessment, all above affect teaching effectiveness. I believe it could lead to better result by using proper teaching methods accompany with proper teaching materials,. From the view of development policy and strategy, Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission (OCAC) educational materials have changed from the traditional Chinese culture in past, become to response to political and social environmental changes in today, strengthen the evolution of the main body of the multi-culture in Taiwan. It shows that the word "culture" plays a very important role in today. However, the definition of culture is so difficulty to define, how can we put the concept of culture in the Chinese language teaching? Also how to help learners to predominate second language other than their native language? This research focuses on the published materials by Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission. By inducting and analyzing the current Chinese language teaching condition and shortcomings about adopting the cultural concept in the existing teaching materials, also supplemented by questionnaire surveys and statistical analysis. Finally giving advanced suggestions to assist the Chinese language teaching materials planning and development. This thesis divided into six chapters. First chapter is the introduction on motivation of this research, the scope of research infrastructure, and terms definitions; Second chapter is literature review, collect the related research of Chinese cultural teaching, and summarized the key elements about the methods to assist Chinese language teaching; Third chapter introduce the research methods, utilize the statistical questionnaire survey about current condition of Chinese cultural education, and exploring the cultural point of view about the materials that published by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission; Fourth chapter investigates the current teaching materials from published by OCAC from the view point of culture; Fifth chapter gives the suggestion to edit and develop the Chinese teaching materials base on the previous research; Sixth chapter is the conclusions, describing research limitations and suggest the direction of future research and development proposals.


陳燕秋 (2002)。台灣現今華語文教材的評估與展望。國立台灣師範大學華語文教學研究所碩士論文,未出版,台北市。


