  • 學位論文


A Study of Social Workers in experiencing the Risk of Violence Threats-Taking the work of Domestic Violence Prevention as an Example

指導教授 : 潘淑滿


社會工作人員在實務工作過程面對人身安全風險之現象存在已久,但因種種因素使得此議題廣被忽略,近幾年隨著社會工作人員對工作權益的重視而受到關注。然而,現有相關研究主要以量化為主,難以呈現社會工作人員遭受暴力威脅的經驗。因此,研究者藉由深度訪談方式,深入瞭解從事婚姻暴力防治工作之社會工作人員,在提供服務過程遭受加害人暴力威脅的經驗。 本研究之研究問題包括:1.從事婚姻暴力防治工作之社會工作人員面對加害人暴力威脅的經驗;2. 暴力威脅對社會工作人員產生何種衝擊及調適歷程為何?3. 婚姻暴力防治工作之社會工作人員如何看待加害人之暴力威脅?此事件對於社會工作專業認知產生何種改變?4. 社會工作人員應具備何種知能面對暴力威脅?期待透過本研究整理歸納社會工作人員之經驗,藉此喚起各界對於社會工作之人身安全議題的重視,並提出建議作為相關單位政策制訂之參考。 本研究運用深度訪談方式,訪談六位社會工作人員。其中五位為社會工作員,一位為社會工作督導。六位受訪者之工作地點,其中兩位服務於公部門,四位服務於民間社會福利機構。六位受訪者從事保護性業務之工作年資為6.75年。其中,有一位受訪者曾經經歷加害人眼神挑釁,另一位直接遭受肢體暴力,其餘四位則是經歷語言暴力威脅。 研究結果發現,社會工作者在遭受暴力事件威脅後,對情緒產生巨大衝擊,擔心害怕情緒往往延續一段時間,部分社會工作者甚至考慮是否繼續從事社會工作。但是大多數社會工作者都能將負向經驗轉化為正向思考,進一步投入對專業的承諾、案主的同理、及對危險的敏感度與處理能力。受訪者表示,有效整合網絡資源,擴增人力,並加強教育訓練,才能是保障社會工作者人身安全根本解決之道。本研究結果建議,相關單位應致力於增進社會工作社群的連結,加強教育訓練的深度與廣度,創造更安全的工作環境,擴增必要的硬體設施等,方能使社會工作者人身安全持續受到重視與關注。


The concern of social worker’s personal safety has existed in practice for decades, however, this issue hasn’t been seriously discussed until recently, due to the promotion of social work rights. This research is based on social workers working in domestic violence prevention, through qualitative research and in-depth interview, to conclude current situation and it’s impact while facing perpetrators’ aggressive threats, and furthermore, social workers’ coping strategies and adjustment to it. This research discovers that while social worker experiencing violence threat events, it will produce either positive or negative alteration in social worker’s emotional and professional aspects. However, if social worker is willing to convert negative experiences into positive ones, it will effectively enhance social worker’s commitment to professional works, empathy to clients, and sensitivity to danger. At last, this research suggests several points as following: first, strengthening the connection between social worker groups; second, focusing on the depth and extent of education training; and finally, creating a much more secure working environment. By doing so, we are hoping this issue will be continuously and more widely discussed.


Arthur, G. L., Brende, J. O. & Quiroz, S. E. (2003). Violence: Incidence and Frequency of Physical and Psychological Assaults Affecting Mental Health Providers in Georgia. The Journal of General Psychology, 130(1), 22-45.
