  • 學位論文


Radicals and Parts of Speech in Chinese, with Pedagogical Applications

指導教授 : 鄧守信


本文分析討論的重點乃是針對初級程度的外語學習者,當其面對建立漢字閱讀能力的困惱,如何以部首的「語義提取」效用,搭配漢語句法「主+謂+賓」結構,加上部首從屬字群的「詞性趨向」來輔助閱讀的有效進行。 研究從部首的語義效用著手。前人對部首的研究發現部首語義與其下衍生的從屬字群產生不同層次的語義關聯性;漢字的特性影響外語學習者的漢字習得,而部首的有效教學可影響整體漢字習得及中文的閱讀解讀能力。 本研究提出部首的從屬字群會因著部首的語義而有某些特定的詞性群出現。研究分析過程中詞性的判別乃以常用語義為依歸;在一一將部首從屬字群劃入詞類之後,研究範圍之內語料有超過一半的部首群呈現特定的「詞性趨向」。論文最後嘗試將研究結果應用在初級程度的漢字教學上,希望能為中文閱讀提出另一項有效的教學策略。


The focus of this thesis is on Chinese reading strategy for the beginner level. The analysis puts emphasis on how to decode the context when beginner level learner faces new Chinese characters. The reading strategy shall build on the “semantic clues” of the radicals and on the basic Chinese syntactic structure – “Subject + Verb + Object”. The notion is to find out the relation of Radicals and the Parts of Speech in Chinese; and to show application of the findings on decoding new Chinese characters in beginner level reading process. Research starts with the “semantic clues” of the radicals. Former researchers have found out connections between the “semantic clues” of radicals and those Chinese characters generated from them. The quality of the Chinese characters influences the Chinese character acquisition of beginner level learners. Thus, the affective teaching of radicals has impact on Chinese character acquisition and Chinese decoding ability. This thesis proposes: radicals shall appear certain “parts of speech inclination” which derives from the semantic meaning of the radicals. The judgement of the “parts of speech” bases on the meaning of the Chinese characters. After categralization, more than half of the radicals within the research range appear certain “parts of speech inclination”. The pedagogical application on teaching strategies follows after the conclusion.


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