  • 學位論文


The Research of Interation In Traditional Instrction and Distance Education of Chinese

指導教授 : 莊三慧


近年來電腦、網路及寬頻視訊的發展,於國際華語文學界亦大量結合尖端科技進行各類型電腦教學及遠距教學,自各屆華語文相關研討會發表之論文即可顯見其發展情況,而其他相關的國際性華語文教學研討會中也持續見到許多與電腦教學相關的論文。 相關研究指出許多網路教學課程是將數位教材及教學影音檔掛上網,讓學生自行上網瀏覽學習,這種隨選視訊(Video On Demands)的學習方式,雖提供學生更具彈性的學習,但也頗為缺乏師生間的互動,僅有學習者與教材間的互動,易讓學生中途輟學。Anderson與Garrison指出學習過程應有師生互動,不能只有學習者與教材的互動,教育是根基於雙向的溝通,師生互動與學習者同儕互動才是教學品質的反映。因此,在教學活動中能夠進行師生即時互動的教學方式,將是較具效果的網路教學。 由於科技的進步,影音傳輸的便捷,運用網路結合多媒體技術,可創造師生在線上同步互動的教室情境,進而促成師生之間、同儕之間積極互動的行為,達到線上即時授課的效果。在諸多遠距教學系統中,如Web CT、Learning Space、Top Class、中山網路大學等,均是建構在網際網路上,提供教師在網路上開班授課及學生進行網路學習。教師可以在網路學習環境中進行和傳統教學相似的學習活動,如講解課程內容、學生問答、分組討論及群組專案合作。線上即時授課之方式可彌補網路教學學習情境之不足,並能增進師生、同儕之間的互動,應是甚具教學效果的網路教學方式;然而,這新興教學方法並不普及,相關研究也不多,多數教師不知如何使用資訊科技來實施線上即時授課及如何引導學生有效學習與互動,諸多問題需要發掘及克服。基於此,於各大專院校相繼投入網路教學的同時,進行線上即時授課會面臨哪些問題及如何解決之研究,應有助於改善教學效果及其推廣。


Following development of computers, internet and broadband video in recent years, international Chinese language academic circles also try to adapt an advanced technology to carry out different kinds of computer-based training and distance education. There have been many publications and conferences, which discussed this issue and their numbers are increasing. Most of research related to internet-based education programs concentrates on providing an online access to some digital teaching materials or multimedia files to allow the learner to browse the data and study it by himself. This type of learning method called ‘Video On Demands’ gives a lot of flexibility to the learner, though it rather lacks an interaction between the student and the teacher, and only provides interaction between the student and teaching materials often causing the former to give up his study easily. Anderson and Garrison mentioned that the learning process cannot only be based on student’s and teaching materials’ interaction; interaction between the student and the teacher is required in the learning process since the education is based on two-way communication: teacher-student or student-student. These kinds of relations identify the quality of teaching. Therefore, a teaching method which involves interaction between the student and the teacher can help e-learning to become more effective. Owing to technological improvements and the convenience of high-speed multimedia transmission, the Internet and many multimedia techniques can be used to create online a simultaneous, ‘student-teacher interactive’ classroom environment, which will effect in an active participation of both parties and will help to put online live instruction into practice. Many of distance learning networks, like Web CT, Learning Space, Top Class or National Sun Yat-Sen Cyber University are placed on the Internet to provide teachers and students with an online education. In an online learning environment the teacher is able to carry out activities similar to the ones used in the traditional instruction, such as an explanation of the course content, the ‘question-answer’ method, a group discussion or a group project work. Online Live Instruction as an effective online teaching method can enhance deficiencies of the interactive learning environment as well as the interaction between the student and the teacher. However, this new teaching approach is not very popular and related research is insufficient. As a result, many teachers are unaware of how to implement Online Live Instruction program and provide the student with an effective guidance and a teacher-student interaction. These are only few of the important issues which need to be explored and resolved. In conclusion, this research will discuss how Online Live Instruction can help to improve the efficiency of the online education and how it can support institutions interested in participation in internet-based teaching programs.


31.陳年興 林甘敏(民90)。網路學習之學習行為與學習成效分析。第二屆國際資訊管理學術研討會。
3.汪承蓉 陳年興。網路教學線上即時授課之問題探討與解決方法。中山大學資訊管理學系。


王誌烽(2011)。運用 Moodle 為基礎的合作學習系統於程式設計課程之學習成效與滿意度研究〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0028-3107201123493000
