  • 學位論文


Postglacial population bottleneck and species divergence in Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum species complex

指導教授 : 黃士穎






Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum species complex constitutes of R. pseudochrysanthum, R. morii, R. rubropunctatum and R. hyperythrum. Species in the R. pseudochrysanthum complex are all endemics to Taiwan and they are morphologically similar. Previous studies revealed that R. rubropunctatum was the origin of this species complex in which Pleistocene range expansion was found and population fragmentation occurred since the last glacial maximum. Aims of this study were to gather information to trace the effect of bottleneck that resulted in reduction of effective population size and genetic structure. Based on expressed sequenced tag (EST)-derived simple sequence repeats (SSRs) marker system, genotyping data of 27 EST-SSRs were analyzed and population genetic parameters were estimated. Severe bottleneck was found in the R. rubropunctatum populations and high level of genetic divergence in comparison with populations of other species in the R. pseudochrysanthum complex. In addition, high level of genetic divergence is associated with local climatic factors and resulted in local adaptation.




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