  • 學位論文


Research on Mandarin Teaching Materials for Native English Speaking Adolescents (Ages 12-15)

指導教授 : 葉德明


現今兩岸三地與海外地區所出版的華語文教材可謂百家爭鳴,各針對不同年齡的學習者與不同使用目的所設計,然而市面上華語教材所設定的學習者多為成人與學齡兒童,少見針對青少年(adolescent)所設計的華語文教材。因此本論文的研究目的旨在根據參考文獻、教材評析和教師需求調查,歸納12~15歲英語青少年適用的華語教材編寫原則,並設計一套教材範例與課室活動教案,以符合此背景學習者的需求。 本論文的研究方法採用1)課室觀察:觀摩英國中學華語課堂與外語課堂的授課情形、課程內容實施與教學難點。2)教材內容分析:檢視市面上少兒教材內容,並評析其優缺點。3)教師問卷與訪談調查:調查青少年華語教師如何使用、處理、自編教材,及其授課經驗和班級管理情形,期望根據研究方法所得出之結論,作為編寫教材範例時的參考方針。 根據研究過程總結出青少年華語教材的編寫原則:1)符合青少年的學習大綱與需求;2)採任務教學法和溝通教學法,以學生為中心,聽、說、讀、寫比重均衡;3)主題圍繞青少年的日常生活,形式有趣而不幼稚;4)語言和情境自然、真實,課文和對話符合青少年心態;5)練習編排由單項語言技能訓練到綜合活動,有趣味性,能「抓住學生」;6)「在地化」角度編寫教材,讓青少年學習對待不同文化的態度、尊重與包容;7)教材配套以網際網路、遊戲、影音、電腦、多媒體等為輔助教材。


While both the adult learners and child learners can take advantage of a variety of Mandarin educational materials published throughout the market, very few of the educational materials are there for adolescent learners whose demand of learning Mandarin Chinese surges when this language has become one of the GCSE subjects in England in 2008. Based on this initiative, the objective of the research is to provide a model of Mandarin teaching materials aimed at English teenagers. The methodology will be presented through 1) literature review: topics on adolescent psychology, language acquisition for teenagers, and language material design will be discussed; 2) language class observation: Mandarin and other foreign language classes are observed in schools in England; 3) content analysis on the Mandarin teaching materials for teenagers: advantages and shortcomings are analyzed; 4) survey and interview on the teachers who teach Mandarin to English adolescents. The conclusion provides practical guidelines for designing useful teaching materials for English students aged 12 to 15. A sample lesson designed based on the guidelines is also included in this research for reference.


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