  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林聖欽


日治時期豐田村係一由臺灣總督府根據殖民目的而規畫形成之聚落,因此招募了許多日本內地不同都道府縣的移民來臺,並希望其能在臺落地生根。然而到了戰後,日本人戰敗,這些日本內地移民必須全數遣返回國,而豐田村的土地資源便由政府收歸所有,遷入的居民除了包含原先為日本人工作的佃農與雇工外,還吸引了許多臺灣島內的二三次移民,也使得戰後豐田村的居民有著原居地分布複雜之特性,與日治時期有相同的情形。 豐田村位於花蓮溪的沖積扇上,地勢較為平坦,整體氣候溫暖多雨,為適合農作物生長之環境,但其地形和降雨特性則易導致淹水問題。大正2年(1913)總督府將豐田村聚落整體建設大致規畫好後,便開始招募移民來臺,但由於整體移民所需各類支出過於負荷,臺灣總督府即在大正7年(1918)停止相關移民各類補助,豐田村也因此劃入一般行政區。整體而言,豐田村移民初來乍到時,其生活環境並不佳,疾病、傳染病盛行。戰後豐田村,由國民政府劃分成三個村落,分別是豐山村、豐裡村和豐坪村,其屬於一般行政體系,居民來源地最多的是花蓮鄰近地區和新竹,居民平和相處,少有爭端,其主要面臨的環境問題為颱風造成的水災。 然而日治時期豐田村的地域建構,乃是經由臺灣總督府的土地治理政策和土地分配形式得以完成,終至戰前約有將近9成之內地移民已擁有自己的土地。戰後豐田村居民,則是經由國民政府一系列的土地改革政策,繳納地價與租金以取得土地所有權。在此國家與政策的運作之下,豐田村居民的生活空間便被劃設而定,多數居民均擁有了安身立命之所。 在國家劃設完成的生活空間中,豐田村的人地關係與人人關係便展現於其中。日治時期豐田村先由國家制訂警察官空間整合四部落,而由於豐田村內生活環境並不佳,居民負債問題嚴重,加上以農為生的生產方式,使得村內各種社會組織紛紛成立,進一步整合豐田村,形成其緊密結合的社會空間。至戰後,使得各行政空間或社會組織均是改以鄉層級為單位,而仍將戰後三村整合為一體的,僅剩居民自發性組織豐田碧蓮寺的信仰。因此整體而言,日治時期的豐田村整合程度較戰後豐田村強且較緊密。 不論日治時期或戰後時期的豐田村,其均是首先經由政府劃設的村落,才漸次移入居民,雖不同的國家政策會造就不同社會空間的整合程度,但研究發現社會空間整合中,居民自發性的社會組織運作也不失為一重要原因。


豐田村 移民村 社會組織 社會空間 聚落


This thesis discusses the construction and changing of the social space in Fengtian region, Shoufeng Township, Hualian, Taiwan. Fengtian Village was a planned village by the Japanese Colonial Government, and, during the period, all the residents were from the mainland Japan. After World War II (WWII), the Japanese residents came back to mainland Japan, and the land resources became the properties of the Government of the Republic of China (ROC). Taiwanese residents then lived in this Village. They were employees who worked for the Japanese; people from other places across Taiwan also came to the village. Fengtian Village is located in the Alluvial fan of Hualian River, a place suitable for growing crops, but it also faces the problem of floods. In 1913, the Japanese Government made the village . However, the maintenance of the village cost too much; as a result, the government stopped all the subsidies in 1918, and had the village back to the normal administrative system. In sum, in the Japanese Colonial Period, the living environment was not good, and there were severe infectious diseases. After WWII, the ROC Government made the original Fengtian Village into three villages, which were Fengshan, Fengli and Fengbin villages. Residents were from nearby villages and Hsinchu. The regional construction of Fengtian Village, in the Japanese Colonial Period, was through the land management policy and land distribution policy. In the end of the Japanese Rule, Over 90 percent of the residents had their own lands. The regional construction of Fengtian Village, under the time of ROC rule, was through the land reform policy. Residents can have their own lands by paying the land rents. It was through the land reform policy that the living spaces of the residents were made. The human/environment and human/human relations are shown in the government-planned living spaces. In the Japanese Colonial Period, the relations were made under the same police administrative region. Further, there were many social organizations that united all the residents. After WWII, only the religion united the residents; other mechanisms were all collapsed. In summary, the level of integration of residents in the Japanese Colonial Period was better than in the ROC Period. Fengtian Village, whether in the Japanese Rule or ROC Rule, was a government-planned village. National policies played a role in the integration of the residents; in this study, we also found that resident-oriented social organizations were also an important element in integrating the residents.


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