  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王忠茂


本實驗利用維他命B2 (Riboflavin)作為基質,以研製一光誘發電子轉移光閥裝置,並對有機物進行分解應用。B2對光具有敏感性,於可見光照射下氧化化學物質,如EDTA等,而產生明顯電流。本論文也藉由二極式薄層電極裝置對此現象進行光電轉換,實驗結果亦顯示,此一薄層電池裝置在:[B2] = 6×10-5 M、[EDTA] = 1.8×10-3 M、射極電位(VS)為-0.5 V vs. SCE、集極電位(VD)為+0.3 V vs. SCE、 pH 4具有最佳效率。此外,在B2未被還原時,若藉由poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (簡稱:PDDC)之舖設,可加強其還原電流,當B2被還原後,若藉由Nafion之舖設,則可使氧化電流增加。 本實驗亦探討維他命B2於照光時之穩定性,紫外-可見光譜顯示B2於照光下易分解,但若加入氧化劑如H2O2,可遲滯B2之分解並達到B2再生。本實驗也利用暫態螢光光譜偵測激發態B2的生命期,由於其生命期過短並接近儀器的偵測極限(10 ns),因而無法了解B2* 與有機物之間的電子轉移速率。 本實驗也藉由激發態B2氧化有機物,實驗證實維他命C、聯苯三酚皆可被B2* 氧化而分解,因此B2*具有化學減廢的應用潛力。


維他命B2 光電化學


An optical transistor device has been developed on the basis of riboflavin (B2). This device shows significant potential in optical rectification and chemical analysis. B2 is very sensitive to illumination (450nm), especially, in the presence of reducing chemicals, such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Under proper illumination, the reduction of B2 takes place more rapidly, causing a great amount of current emitting from the emitter. As the source potential (VS) is set to more negative values, the emitting current tends to a maximum value. Simultaneously the drain current is triggered to flow between the emitter and the collector. Preliminary results show both the emitting and drain currents are functions of the concentrations of EDTA and B2 and the drain voltage (VD). This device can be further applied in chemical analysis. When ascorbic acid and pyrogallol are added instead of EDTA, the drain current also shows response to the substrates, leading to a linear relationship with the concentration of the substrates up to 10 mM.


Riboflavin Photoelectrochemical


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