  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳建添


我們已合成出多種含五類環外芳香基,其中以二芐環庚烯[DBS] 為骨架之芳香基甲基氯化物,在鹵烷類溶劑中呈現最適當的離子強度,因而在TBSCl, TMSCl, RC(O)Cl 的促進劑作用下可催化醛與烯丙基第三丁基錫烷 (Allyltri-n-butyltin) 之間的烯丙基化反應。 不像三苯甲基 (Triphenylmethyl)、二苯並砒喃 (dibenzopyrane) 和茀 (fluorine) 所衍生的氯化物,其中以DBS 為骨架之氯化物可與烯丙基化試劑共存而不被消耗,每個例子皆可得到很好的產率。 我們更進一步以對照和轉換實驗來首度證明以DBS為骨架的芳香基甲基氯化物在烯丙基化反應中為真正的催化劑,而且只有非常輕微的矽烷氯化物的競爭催化。 並加以應用在以酮類為起始物的烯丙基化反應上,Aldimine addition, Mukaiyama Aldol reaction等不同的有機反應上,我們更成功合成出以二芐環庚烯 [DBS] 為骨架之手性芳香基甲基氯化物,並由X-ray結晶繞射圖的資訊上得知應用在非對稱合成上所須改進的部份。


DRS-based model system exhibits moderate ionic characters, in alia, in halogenated solvents, thus serving as efficient catalysts in allylation reactions between aldehydes and allyltri-n-butyltin in the presence of TBSCl, TMSCl, Acroyl chloride promoter. In all cases, the resulting homoallylic alcohols were furnished in good yields (77-97%) with various substrates and stannanes. Control and turn-over experiments of trityl ether with TMSCl and acetyl chloride support, for the first time, the catalytic role of DBS-based trityl chlorides in the allylation reaction with negligible intervention of silyl catalysis. We also used it in the Aldimine addition and Mukaiyama Aldol reaction. We have succeeded in making chiral 10,11-tetrahydroflurano-diberzosubrane (DBS)-based trityl-type alcohol and, from its X-ray analysis data, we hope we can get good results in the asymmetric allylation in the future.


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