  • 學位論文


Detection and Analysis of Trimethylamine N-oxide

指導教授 : 王忠茂


甲基胺氧化物(trimethylamine N-oxide,簡稱TMAO)為生物體中重要的生化代謝物質,普遍存在於海洋生物體中。本論文成功利用電化學方法將methylene blue、methylene green、methyl violet及thionine等phenothiazine化合物聚合於玻璃碳電極(glassy carbon electrode)表面,藉以偵測TMAO。實驗結果顯示:甲基藍修飾電極可有效催化還原TMAO。流動注入分析(flow injection analysis,簡稱FIA)顯示:甲基藍(poly(methylene blue))修飾電極對TMAO的線性偵測範圍涵蓋0.001∼1 M,偵測極限為10-4 M;甲基紫(poly(methyl- violet))修飾電極亦可偵測TMAO,其線性範圍為10μM∼10 mM,偵測極限為10 μM。


Trimethylamine and trimethylamine N-oxide (denoted TMAO) are important biological metabolites, widely distributed in marine organisms. TMAO is believed as an oxidation intermediate of trimethylamine. Because of this, the contents of trimethylamine and/or TMAO in sea foods are regarded as a symbol of freshness. The detection of TMAO thus becomes an important analytical issue currently. In this thesis, we successfully prepared phenothiazine-modified electrodes and used them to analyze the concentration of TMAO. Experiment results show that poly(methylene blue) is an effective mediator for the reduction of TMAO. The linear calibration range covers 0.001∼1 M. The detection limit may reach a level of 10-4 M. Poly(methyl violet) also shows a similar catalytic potential. The linear calibration range covers 10μM∼10 mM. The dection limit is about 10μM.


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