  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship Marketing in Airlines Passenger Sales-A Case Study of the C Airlines Frequent Flyer Program

指導教授 : 朱文增


航空客運產業環境面臨外在環境之急遽變化,侵蝕航空業者的獲利空間,企業必須能掌握市場的變動、瞭解顧客的需求,方能在快速變遷之競爭環境中保有企業競爭力。傳統的行銷方式大都著重在吸引新顧客與開拓新市場,而忽略了維繫舊顧客及原有市場。依富蘭顧問公司(Forum Corporation)在1989年所做的調查中發現,要吸引一名新顧客所花成本是保有舊顧客的五倍,故企業想要持續保有競爭力,就必須重視建立與維持原有顧客的關係。近年來,「關係行銷(Relationship Management, RM)」已成為企業行銷中最重要行銷手段之一。 本研究主要從供給面角度,挑選目前已經有大量客戶資料之C航空公司,以其推廣哩程累計酬賓計劃之實例為個案研究對象,探討其會員酬賓計劃於關係行銷之現況、內容與執行流程。相關資料蒐集來源包括:出版及未出版文獻、網路資料與個案訪談等。此外,在描述個案公司前,輔以運用關係行銷於會員酬賓計劃成功的聯合航空公司,作為學習之標竿個案參考。本研究透過三位相關經理訪談及文獻回顧,歸納出本研究之主要結論如下: 一、 國內航空公司於會員酬賓計劃之內容大致雷同,甚少創意; 二、 航空公司於酬賓內容作法方面應更具多元性與彈性,並在兌獎方式及過程上, 應更為簡便,以利會員的使用; 三、 航空公司提供會員價格折扣等優惠方案,宜選擇垂直或水平產業策略聯盟合 作,以提供會員更週全之服務。 本研究提供後續研究者探索關係行銷新的研究方向,及提供航空、服務業者及後續研究者應用關係行銷諸多實踐層面、具體操作之參考。


The study used a real case C Airline’s frequent flyer program and study was mainly from viewpoint of the supply side and focused on the frequent flyer program of C Airline which already has a huge amount of client data and would like to develop customer relationship marketing to attend their future strategic objectives. This research focused on airlines’ frequent flyer program, by studying case from interviewing of three related managers’ opinions and supplement the detail file. (the sources has magazine, newspaper, research paper, web-site, etc.).Matching with the related theory, the paper analyzes the development and present situation of the frequent flyer program in C Airlines, at the end of this paper, synthetically sum up the relevant on tactics and suggestion. Found by the result of study, speed up market reacts and strengthen the competitiveness. This paper adopt case study method, after in-depth interview, to collect the reference papers and case study, then develops the correlation propositions as follows: I. The frequent flyer programs in Taiwan Carriers are almost the same, and for lack of creativity. II. To apply “KISS” concept, the redemption procedures and membership renewal restrictions should be flexible and diversified. III. To seeking the opportunities of strategic cooperation of vertical or horizontal strategy alliance so as to master overall extensive marketing.
