  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃玉


本研究旨在建構臺灣師大多元背景大學生的導師制實施策略。研究問題包括:一、大學導師制的發展及相關研究為何? 二、大學生學習與發展的相關理論及其應用為何? 三、臺灣師大導師制的實施現況為何? 四、臺灣師大多元背景學生對於導師制的經驗與看法為何? 五、臺灣師大多元背景學生對於導師的輔導需求為何? 六、根據多元背景學生導師經驗與輔導需求建構的臺灣師大導師制實施策略為何? 本研究採調查研究法,以自編之「臺灣師大學生導師輔導需求調查問卷」作為測量工具,依比例抽樣方式,抽樣調查93學年度第2學期各學院1-4年級大學部「考試分發入學一般生」、「推甄資優申請入學生」、「運動績優甄審甄試生」、「僑生或港澳生」、「外籍學生」、「身心障礙學生」計868人,經以表面效度、內容效度、再測信度檢測,列聯相關係數介乎.60-.99之間,呈顯著相關。調查結果發現: 一、學生對於導師制的經驗 導師時間實施方式多由師生共同決定,採晤談、導聚、活動、班會方式,大約每學期1-3次;學生覺得與導師之間最自然的互動情境是在「下課時間的談話」;導師生有事連絡時,導師多請學生代為通知,導生會親自去找導師。 二、學生對於導師制的看法 認為設置導師制的主要目的是指導學生作生涯定向與規劃,推動導師制首應加強師生之間的溝通,分組或個別晤談可促進師生互動。「能了解與尊重學生」是擔任導師須具備的首要條件,多數學生選擇以輔導需求為導向的「功能性導師制」,傾向由學校以11-20人隨機編組。 三、學生對於導師的輔導需求 「解決學習危機」、「處理心理壓力問題」、「協助作生涯規劃」是學生最大的輔導需求,希望和導師之間維持『導師能主動關心,也樂意和他熟悉親近』的互動模式,願意與導師晤談的話題偏重課業學習和生涯規劃,向導師求助時希望導師願意協助是最大的期待。僑外生最希望導師了解的是語文表達能力的問題,身心障礙生最希望的則是導師能注意不同情況學生的需求。 根據研究發現歸納結論為:一、學生的整體需求偏重在「學習」和「生涯」層面。二、師生之間的互動關係具有正向發展空間。三、導師制度需顧及多元背景學生的輔導需求。四、因應學生的輔導需求修訂導師制度刻不容緩。最後,分別對學校決策、教學單位、行政單位、學生事務、學生輔導、導師輔導、學生層面及進一步之研究提出建議。


The purpose of the research was to construct an effective strategy for implementing the tutorial system at National Taiwan Normal University, whose students came from diverse backgrounds. The major research questions included: (A) How has the collegiate tutorial system evolved over the years and what are its related studies? (B) What are the major theories concerning college students’ learning and development and what are their pedagogical applications? (C) What is the status quo of the implementation of the tutorial system in NTNU? (D) What are NTNU students’ experiences with and perceptions about the tutorial system? (E) What are the urgent needs of NTNU students regarding tutorial consultation? (F) What strategy is most effective for implementing the NTNU tutorial system in view of the diverse backgrounds of the students and their different consultation needs and experiences? This research was conducted by way of a comprehensive survey. Data were collected through a self-developed questionnaire, “Survey of the Consulting Needs of NTNU students”, were distributed among groups of NTNU students who had been admitted through different channels: the college entrance exam system; the recommendation system for the gifted and those with outstanding sports performances; the admissions system for overseas Chinese students, students from Hong Kong and Macau, as well as foreign students; and the system designed specifically for the physically and mentally challenged students. The sampling included 868 students and the subjects range from freshmen to seniors who had been officially enrolled in the spring semester of the 2004 academic year. Face,content validity were established by a field test, and a panel of experts. Reliability was established by test-retest formal study. Data had been dealed with the frequency distribution,the cross analysis, and the test-retest reliabily contingency coefficient at .60~.99. The major findings of the present research are summarized as follows: (A) Students’ experiences with the tutorial system The way how the tutorial is conducted and how often tutorials are held is mainly decided by both tutors and students. Tutorials are mostly conducted in the form of private interview, group meeting, activities, and class meeting, and are held 1 ~ 3 times each semester. To the students, their most natural interaction with tutors occurs in the small talk after class. When a tutor needs to inform students of a specific message, he or she usually asks one student to pass it on. A homeroom student, however, usually goes to the tutor in person. (B) Students’ perceptions about the tutorial system The primary purpose of the tutorial system is to provide students with guidelines in career orientation and planning. The priority of the system is to facilitate smooth communication between tutors and students, which can be best achieved through private or group meetings. A tutor must understand and respect students. A majority of students favor the counseling-based “functional tutorial system” and prefer to be randomly assigned by the university to groups of 11 ~ 20 people when receiving consultation. (C) Students’ needs for tutorial consultation Students’ most urgent needs are for the tutorial system to help them to resolve problems in academic learning, to deal with psychological stress, and to plan for life and career. Tutors are expected to actively show their concern toward the students and to demonstrate their willingness to be friends with them. During meetings, students prefer to talk about topics related to their studies, learning and career planning. They eagerly look forward to tutors’ willingness to render assistance when turning to them for help. Overseas students particularly hope tutors can sympathize with and provide special assistance to their language problems, while physically and mentally challenged students hope tutors would pay special attention to their unique needs. The following are the conclusions of the present research: First of all, students’ overall needs fall on “learning” and “career planning”. Second, there is still room for improvement regarding the interaction between tutors and students. Third, the tutorial system must take into account the different tutorial needs from the students with such diverse backgrounds. Fourth, there is an urgent need to restructure the tutorial system to suit students’ consultation needs. Last but not least, several practical suggestions are proposed regarding the tutorial system for the authorities and personnel on policy-making, instruction, administration, student affairs, student counseling, tutor counseling, as well as for student bodies. Directions for future research on the tutorial system are also suggested.




