  • 學位論文


The Developing Process of Professional Role of Guidance Teacher in Catholic High School and Their Work Status

指導教授 : 何英奇


The Developing Process of Professional Role of Guidance Teacher in Catholic High School and Their Work Status Profession Wei-Ting Hung Abstract This study aims to discuss the features in the developing process of the professional role of guidance teachers in Catholic high school, and analyze the interaction between the school environment and guidance teachers to see how the guidance work in Catholic high school proceeds and what problems it is facing. This study applied qualitative research and employed in-depth visitation and observation as the main methods to collect data through interviewing two guidance teachers currently working in a Catholic high school and observing their working environment. The collected data were sorted out, categorized and interpreted to conclude research result, as described in the following: 1. In terms of the developing process of the professional role of guidance teachers in Catholic high school, the researcher has divided it into three stages, namely “rookie stage”, “developing stage” and “mature stage”. It reveals various styles as guidance teachers are different in personality, characteristic, professional background , sense of values and school enviroment. 2. The impacts on the guidance work from the school environment of Catholic high school include: (1) About “School’s atmospheric religious culture”, Catholic high school is open and respectful for teachers’ and students’ believes. Religious guidance work is heading to the direction of developing “Life Education”, but it remains to be conservative regarding some taboo issues in the Catholic doctrines. (2) About “Principal’s leadership style”, since a principal’s term of service in Catholic high school is relatively long, his/her ideology in education has great impact on the direction as where the guidance work heads to. (3) About “Administration staff”, they become great helping hands in pushing the guidance work forward if they may cooperate with the guidance strategy from the viewpoint of guidance. (4) About “Other teachers”, guidance teachers may reinforce their professional status by offering consultation and referral services as done by ordinary teachers. (5) About “Students requirements”, guidance teachers in Catholic high school can assist individual student when consultation is required by applying guidance resources while the school is rather flexible in adjusting students’ curriculum to fulfill their needs such as developing particular life guidance curriculum and activities. 3. Both the tasks of religious guidance and ordinary guidance are combined in the single guidance room that not only increases the work burden of guidance teachers, but also blurs the professional image of the guidance room. 4. It may be a good intention to change the name of the guidance room to “Consultation Center”, but it may not accord with actual educational scenario. 5. Taboos in the Catholic doctrines are facing challenges from the mundane environment. Taboos in the Catholic doctrines, such as the bans on any sexual behavior before marriage, pregnancy before marriage, abortion and homosexuality, are big challenges for guidance teachers as how they follow their professional ethic guidelines during the consultation. 6. The ideology of holistic person education in Catholic high school is facing challenge from the system of students pursuing higher education and the number of enrollment. Finally, based on the research result, the researcher has thought over the entire research process, and proposed suggestions on the development of guidance work in Catholic high school. In addition, the directions for further study about the research limitation and recommendations for future study are also discussed. Keywords: Catholic high school, guidance teacher, religious guidance teacher, the developing process of professional role of guidance teacher,school enviroment




