  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 潘裕豐博士


本研究在觀察接受「擴散圖形創造思考教學」的國中資源班智力低下學生,其創造力進步的情形。 這裡所指的智力低下學生為國中資源班臨界、輕度和中度智力低下學生。 本研究採取等組實驗組控制組實驗設計,以台北縣某二所國中的各15名資源班學生為受試者。實驗組學生接受「擴散圖形創造思考教學」,控制組學生持續「一般資源班教學」,在教學實驗進行十週之後,並以「威廉斯創造性思考活動」、「威廉斯創造性傾向量表」作為主要探討創造力的研究工具,再以單因子共變數分析,進行分析考驗。研究發現如下: (一)「擴散圖形創造思考教學」方案,培養智力低下學生流暢、變通、獨創三項創造性思考能力時,比沒有接受創造思考教學的控制組學生有效。 (二)「擴散圖形創造思考教學」方案,在培養智力低下學生冒險性好奇心的創造傾向時,比沒有接受創造思考教學的控制組學生有效。 (三)「擴散圖形創造思考教學」方案,培養智力低下學生的精密創造性思考能力,和沒有接受創造思考教學的控制組學生無異。 (四)「擴散圖形創造思考教學」方案,培養訓練智力低下學生挑戰、想像創造性傾向,和沒有接受創造思考教學的控制組學生無異。 (五)智力低下學生在接受創造思考教學時,最好以多管齊下的方式進行。如:增強策略的使用、無條件積極關注的態度、教材的簡化、十五人以下的同儕團體互動都有助於學習。 但是以上的研究發現僅止於智力低下學生在接受十週教學後的成果,至於他們未來是否能保留這些已經習得的創造思考能力並運用於生活之中,仍需進行後續長期追蹤研究。


The study aims to look at the effect of Divergent production of Creativity Thinking Teaching Class in the educational mental deficiency students’ creative thinking ability. The meaning of educational mental deficiency students is critical, mild and moderate mental deficiency students who are junior high school students. The study adopted the equivalent pretest-posttest, control group quasi-experimental design”. The subjects consisted of two junior high schools of the educational mental deficiency students of resource rooms in Taipei. One class was assigned as experimental group and instructed in accordance with Divergent production of Creative Thinking Teaching Class, while the other was designed as control group and instructed in accordance with general class. The teaching experiment was spanning a total of 10 weeks. The tools of evaluation included: the Test of Williams Divergent Thinking, the Test of Williams Divergent Feeling. The data gathered from the experiment were examined following the method of one-way analysis of covariance. The results of the study suggest that: 1.As for creative thinking ability, experimental group students demonstrated remarkable superiority in fluency, spontonsive flexibility and originality over control group students. 2.As for tendency of creativity, experimental group students demonstrated remarkable superiority in curiosity and adventure over control group students. 3.As for creative thinking ability, experimental group students didn’t demonstrate remarkable superiority in elaboration over control group students. 4.As for tendency of creativity, experimental group students didn’t demonstrated remarkable superiority in imagination and challenge adventure over control group students. 5.It is better that when students are developed from Creativity Thinking Teaching Class, we can use multiple approaches. For example, we can use the method of reinforcement, unconditional positive regard and simple matters for teaching to make students study better. But the results of the study is only demonstrated remarkable in the period of teaching experiment. It should be researched for a long time if the mental deficiency students will reserve their creativity thinking ability and use their creativity thinking ability in the future.




