  • 學位論文


The effect of Prior Knowledge, Text Structure, and Multimedia Presentations on Text Learning

指導教授 : 郭生玉 張國恩


本研究的目的在探討讀者的先前知識、文章結構和多媒體呈現等因素對於讀者在學習文章時的認知歷程和興趣狀態,以及對學習效果的影響,同時也希望藉由實驗結果來檢驗「認知負荷論」、「結構-處理互動模型」和「結構-趣味-投入模型」對上述影響狀態的解釋和預測效果。實驗一和實驗二以國二學生為對象,探討讀者的先前知識和文章結構對於建立內文基礎和情境模型的影響;以及文章結構和先前知識對情境模型產生交互作用的可能機轉。實驗三和實驗四分別以文章搭配插圖,或以文章搭配動畫和音效,探討多媒體材料對於提升閱讀的情境興趣和閱讀投入,進而改變上述交互作用的可能性。茲將研究結果綜合說明如下: 一、讀者的先前知識和文章結構會影響文章學習的歷程和結 果:高先前知識者在閱讀文章時,其對文章的負荷感比低先前知識者低,但興趣感和閱讀時間沒有差別。高先前知識者對於文章內文基礎(事實性知識的記憶和再認)及情境模型(學後遷移和問題解決)的建立效果要優於低先前知識讀者。連貫性較低的文章,可能引發讀者較高的認知負荷,但引發的興趣感和閱讀時間並沒有差別。高連貫文章在建立高和低先前知識讀者的內文基礎大致上有較好的效果;對於建立低先前知識讀者的情境模型也有較好的效果,此結果支持認知負荷論的「分心假說」和結構-處理互動模型的「結構增益處理假說」。但高連貫文章對於建立高先前知識讀者的情境模型未必有較好的效果。 二、讀者的先前知識和文章結構可能對學習產生交互影響的效果:讀者的先前知識和文章連貫性會對文章的學習歷程和效果產生交互作用。高連貫文章對低先前知識者在減低認知負荷和提昇內文基礎及情境模型成績的幫助作用,大於對高先前知識者。但高連貫文章對於高先前知識者建立情境模型可能有正向協助的效果,也可能產生干擾效果。但由於此種高連貫文章未必有利高先前知識者的現象並不穩定,因此無法有效重複驗證McNamara 與Kintsch(1996)及McNamara等人(1996)的研究發現。此外,對高連貫文章未必有利於高先前知識者的可能解釋,從讀者在認知負荷、閱讀時間和閱讀效果之表現上判斷,較支持「結構-處理互動模型」的「結構-處理消長假說」,而較不支持認知負荷論的「累贅效果假說」。本研究稱此種現象為「結構-處理消長現象」。 三、多媒體材料會影響文章學習的歷程和成果:在對學習歷程的影響上,多媒體材料中的插圖搭配高和低連貫文章呈現,可以降低讀者在閱讀文章時的負荷感,減少對文字的閱讀時間,但並未增加讀者的情境興趣感。多媒體材料的動畫和音效配合高和低連貫文章呈現,可以降低讀者在閱讀文章的負荷感,增進其情境興趣感,並增加其文字閱讀時間。對於閱讀材料的興趣感,可以降低其對材料的負荷感,此現象支持「結構-趣味-投入模型」的「趣味抵減負荷假說」。在對學習效果的影響上,插圖和動畫的呈現都有助於讀者的內文基礎和情境模型成績的提昇。且動畫(和音效)與高連貫文章搭配後,可提升情境興趣進而提升閱讀投入(時間)。此種閱讀投入的提升雖無法消弭「結構-處理消長現象」的發生,但有助減弱其效果。就多媒體材料提升情境興趣和閱讀投入,進而促進閱讀效果的發現,支持「結構-趣味-投入」模型的「興趣增益處理假說」。 四、以認知負荷和學習效果兩個成份,或以認知負荷、情境興趣和學習效果三個成份,作為比較教材之教學效益的指標,均有其限制存在:依據認知負荷論以認知負荷和學習成就作為計算基準的教學效益指標,在「低負荷-高成就」或「高負荷-低成就」的學習情境中,所計算出的教學效益指標對教材有不錯的區辨性。但在「高負荷-高成就」或「低負荷-低成就」的情境中,此教學效益指標不易有好的區辨性。若將「情境興趣」作為衡量教學效益的動機因素指標,將其融入原來的教學效益計算公式中,對於不同閱讀教材的區辯力雖有增加,但對於區辨上述引起「高負荷-高成就」和「低負荷-低成就」的情形之教材,仍然無法發揮更好的效果。 五、整體而言,就讀者的先前知識、文章結構和多媒體呈現等因素影響文章學習時的認知歷程、興趣狀態和學習效果的實驗結果加以觀察,「結構-趣味-投入模型」的預測獲得最多的支持。 本研究除針對上述結果加以討論外,並對本研究的限制和後續可能的應用和研究方向提出建議。


The purposes of this study were to explore the effects of a reader's prior knowledge, text structure, and multimedia presentation mode on text learning, and to test the predictions generated from the 'cognitive load theory', the 'structure-processing interaction model', and the 'structure-interestingness-engagement model'. Eighth-graders participated in the first and second experiments, which investigated the effects of prior knowledge and text structure on text learning, and the possible mechanism of their interactive effect on text learning. In the third and fourth experiment, eighth-grade students studied the text with picture-illustrations or the animation-illustrated text for investigating the possibility of using multimedia texts to enhance the reader's situational interest and reading engagement, and thereby eliminates the interactive effect of text structure and prior knowledge on text learning. The main findings are abbreviated in the following: First, a reader's prior knowledge and the text structure may influence the process and outcome of text learning. The perceived cognitive load of the higher-prior knowledge students was significantly lower than the lower-prior knowledge students. Yet there were no significant differences in reading time and situational interest between the two student groups. The higher prior knowledge students were able to build a better textbase (recall and recognition of factual knowledge) and situation model (transfer of text content for problem solving) after reading the text. A less coherent text may induce the reader to perceive a higher cognitive load than more coherent text. Yet the same situational interest and reading time was stimulated by the more coherent text. A more coherent text was helpful for both higher and lower prior knowledge students to build a textbase. The more coherent text was also helpful to lower-prior knowledge student for building a situation model. The above findings support the 'split attention hypothesis' of the cognitive load theory and the 'structure enhances processing hypothesis' of the structure-processing interaction model. Second, there exists an interactive effect of prior knowledge and text structure on text learning. Lower prior knowledge students benefit more from coherent text for reducing mental load and building textbase and situation model than higher prior knowledge students. For higher prior knowledge students, a more coherent text may not always be facilitative, and may sometimes be destructive to the building of a situation model. The destructive effect of a coherent text has not been completely verifiable, so the findings of McNamara & Kintsch (1996) and McNamara et al. (1996) have not been completely replicated. Besides, the data of the student's mental load, reading time, and learning performances from different reading tasks support the 'structure-processing trade off hypothesis' of the structure-processing interaction model as the most acceptable mechanism for the possible destructive effect of the coherent text on higher prior knowledge students' text learning. Therefore, in this study we named the above phenomenon the 'structure-processing trade off effect'. Third, multimedia texts may influence the process and outcome of text learning. A picture-illustrated text can reduce a reader's mental load and reading latency in text study, yet it cannot enhance the reader's situational interest. The animation-illustrated text can reduce the reader's mental load, and enhance their situational interest and reading latency in text study. In the mean time, the enhanced situational interest decreases the reader's perceived mental load, which supports the 'interest deteriorates load hypothesis' of the structure-interestingness-engagement model. Both the picture- and animation-illustrated texts are helpful for building a student's textbase and situation model. The animation-illustrated text has a substantial effect in reducing the 'structure-processing trade off effect', though it is unable to eliminate that effect completely. The findings that the multimedia text can enhance a reader's situational interest and studying latency, thereby facilitates their reading achievement, support the 'interest enhances processing hypothesis' of the structure-interestingness-engagement model. Fourth, both approaches using the mental load and reading achievement, or the three components of mental load, situational interest, and reading achievement, as the basis for designing the instructional efficiency indices for instructional material, have their limits. The instruction efficiency index calculated through the mental load and reading achievement is appropriate for the 'high load - high achievement' and 'high load - low achievement' learning situations. Yet this index has low discriminating efficiency for the 'high load - high achievement' and 'low load - low achievement' learning situations. When situational interest is added to the above instruction efficiency index, the discriminating efficiency of the new index is increased. Yet texts which result in 'high load - high achievement' and 'low load - low achievement' still cannot be differentiated by this new index. Fifth, According to the prior knowledge, text structure, and multimedia presentation influences on the cognitive process, interest status, and text learning outcome, the 'structure-interestingness-engagement model' was supported more than the 'cognitive load theory' and the 'structure-processing interact model'. These findings were discussed in detail and suggestions for further studies and applications were also recommended.


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