  • 學位論文


The Internal Conflicts of Female College Students with Premarital Sex

指導教授 : 鄔佩麗


本研究的目的在瞭解目前大學校園女學生對婚前性行為所持觀點,以及在面對婚前性行為內在衝突時的經驗與調適歷程,期望透過研究結果的發現,可以增進輔導實務工作者對於目前大學校園女學生婚前性行為衝突的瞭解,以做為日後輔導工作的參考依據。 本研究採取質化研究取向之深度訪談法,以半結構式的訪談大綱進行訪談、蒐集資料,並將訪談結果謄寫成訪談逐字槁,以抽取受訪者內在衝突經驗要素的方向,作進一步的整理與分析,最後並以文本描述呈現受訪者的個人內在衝突經驗。另外,研究者針對受訪者之間共通與獨特之要素,歸納整理的綜合發現如下: 一、 大學校園女學生婚前性行為觀點與態度 (一) 大學校園女學生婚前性行為觀點與態度的內涵 1. 性在目前大學生情侶間是很普遍的 2. 性關係對伴侶關係的意義正負面並存 3. 婚前性行為中,男女兩性在觀點、態度上均有差異 4. 生理親密與心理親密的發展同時並進且交互影響 5. 當個體具有正向的性觀念,並且與伴侶有穩定的感情基礎時,婚前性行為是可以被允許的 6. 可以接受別人發生婚前性行為,但自己則不一定 (二) 大學校園女學生婚前性行為觀點與態度的意義 1. 性在目前大學校園中的普遍性 2. 性態度中的雙重標準 3. 社會價值觀下的女性角色規範 4. 正向性價值觀的強調與渴求 (三) 大學校園女學生婚前性行為觀點與態度的影響來源 1. 父母親的態度 2. 社會價值觀 3. 同儕、朋友 4. 書籍、媒體 5. 學校、課程 6. 與性相關的特殊經驗 7. 接受輔導的經驗 8. 交往經驗 9. 社團、宗教 10. 其他(姊妹、男友、男友的家庭) 二、 婚前性行為內在衝突的內涵與背景脈絡 (一) 婚前性行為內在衝突的內涵 1. 對性的罪惡感 2. 對外界眼光的擔心 3. 對懷孕的擔心 4. 新舊觀念的掙扎與矛盾 5. 無人可以求助 6. 其他的擔心(身體受到傷害、被傳染到性病、性關係發生得太快、對異性的疑惑、怕男友認為自己隨便、怕未來交往的其他異性無法接受自己) (二) 婚前性行為內在衝突形成的背景脈絡 1. 自幼接受到偏差的兩性觀念與性觀念 2. 成長過程中缺乏適當的性教育與兩性教育 3. 過份依賴的伴侶關係 4. 面對發展過快的性關係卻無法表達自己的感受 (三) 婚前性行為內在衝突中轉變的影響來源 1. 同儕的分享與支持 2. 男友的陪伴與支持 3. 諮商輔導的介入 三、 面對婚前性行為內在衝突時期待的幫助 (一) 期望被教導 (二) 有分享的對象 (三) 社會價值觀可以改變 (四) 父母親的正向示範 (五) 輿論的聲音 (六) 其他對性的觀點 本研究也針對上述的研究結果作進一步的討論,並針對父母親、學校、諮商輔導專業與所有女性提出建議。最後並依據研究過程與結果中的發現,對未來的研究方向提出建議。


婚前性行為 內在衝突 大學 女性


The objective of this research is to figure out how female college students nowadays view premarital sex, their experience in dealing with the internal conflicts caused by it, and the process of adjusting themselves to these conflicts. We hope that with what we discovered in this research, the counselors can better understand the conflicts that female college students are encountering when dealing with premarital sex, to help with their future counseling tasks. This research adopted the in-depth interview of the qualitative research method, using a semi-structured interview guidelines to interview the subjects and collect the data. The transcriptions were further studied and analyzed to extract both the common and individual elements in the interviewees' experiences of internal conflicts. Those elements are finally presented in the thesis as the summary followed: 1. Female college students’ perspectives and attitudes towards premarital sex (1). Content of the perspectives and attitudes towards premarital sex among female college students A. It is very common for college couples to have sex. B. Sexual relationship has both positive and negative effects to a couple relationship. C. Male and female have different perspectives and attitudes towards premarital sex. D. Physical intimacy and psychological intimacy develop simultaneously and influence each other. E. It is acceptable to have sex when an individual with positive sexual attitude has a stable relationship with his partner. F. Having premarital sex is ok for others, but the same rule doesn't necessarily apply to oneself. (2). Meaning of the perspectives and attitudes towards premarital sex among female college students A. The universality for the premarital sex in college campus B. The double standard in perspectives and attitudes towards premarital sex C. The norm for female character under social expectations D. The stress and longing for positive perspectives towards sex (3). The factors that influence the perspectives and attitudes towards premarital sex among female college students A. Parents' attitude B. Social expectations C. Peers and friends D. Books and media E. School and relevant courses F. Special experiences associated with sex G. Past counseling experiences H. Past couple relationships I. Clubs and religions J. Other factors (sisters, boyfriend, boyfriend's family) 2. Content and background of internal conflicts caused by premarital sex (1). Content of internal conflicts caused by premarital sex A. Guilt for having sex B. Worries about other people's judgement C. Worries about being pregnant D. Inconsistencies between new and old values E. Lack of help F. Other worries (getting hurt physically, getting sexual transmitted diseases, having sex too quickly in a relationship, confusions about the opposite sex, being considered too "easy" by the boyfriend, not to be accepted by future partners) (2). Background of internal conflicts caused by premarital sex A. Incorrect or misleading concepts about sex and relationship since childhood B. Lack of proper sex and relationship education C. Over-dependent relationship D. Not being able to express one's true feelings in a fast-developing sexual relationship (3). What makes the internal conflicts caused by premarital sex change A. Sharing and supporting from peers B. Accompanying and supporting from the boyfriend C. Counseling 3. Help expected while facing the internal conflicts caused by premarital sex A. Proper guidance B. Somebody to share with C. Change of social expectations D. Good examples set by parents E. Public opinions F. Other perspectives towards sex This thesis goes beyond the above results to provide suggestions to parents, schools, counselors, as well as all the females. Lastly, a few suggestions are also made for future researches, based on what we've learned from this research.


Premartial Sex Internal Conflict College Female


