  • 學位論文


A Study of Conception of Friendship of Elementary School Sixth-Grade Students with Different Attachment Relations

指導教授 : 張景媛


本研究主要的目的在根據Bowlby的依附理論,探究不同依附關係的國小六年級學童在友誼概念上的差異情形。探討的重點為:一、學童父親依附、母親依附及同儕依附三者間的關係;二、不同依附品質的學童在同儕依附上的差異情形;三、依附關係不同的學童在友誼概念上的差異情形。 本研究採問卷調查法進行初步的資料蒐集,以台北市三所國民小學共326名學童為對象,進行研究。使用「父母與同儕依附行為量表」,以評估國小六年級學童自我覺知的依附關係,並以Armsden & Greenberg(1987)所提出的依附關係品質分類標準,區分出不同依附關係的學童,選取出12名學童進行友誼概念的訪談。 所得的重要發現如下: 一、學童父親依附、母親依附及同儕依附三者間的關係 整體而言,除了父親信任、父親溝通與同儕疏離未相關,母親信任與同儕疏離未相關以外,其他的因素之間都是相關的。也可以說學童的父親依附、母親依附與同儕依附之間是相關的。 二、不同依附品質的學童在同儕依附上的差異情形 不同父母依附品質(高�低安全父母依附)的國小學童,在「同儕-信任」、「同儕-溝通」的得分上有差異存在。但是,不同父母依附品質(高�低安全父母依附)的國小學童,在「同儕-疏離」的得分上則沒有差異存在。 三、依附關係不同的學童在友誼概念上的差異情形 根據不同依附關係學童的深度訪談之後,有五點發現: 1、不同依附品質的學童在各議題所出現的友誼概念有相同也有不同的部分;在友誼概念出現次數的百分比情形上,高╱低父母依附關係及高╱低同儕依附關係的學童的百分比有相差較近的概念,也有差距較遠的概念。 2、高安全父母依附及高安全同儕依附的學童顯現出較高的友誼概念發展情形,而低安全父母依附及低安全同儕依附的學童則顯現出較低的友誼概念發展情形。 3、高同儕依附學童所出現的友誼概念較低同儕依附學童所出現的友誼概念來的多樣化。 4、低安全父母依附及低安全同儕依附的學童在友誼概念上出現了負向的情緒表現。 5、低同儕依附的學童也出現「精神上的支持」的友誼概念概念,但是都是女生所陳述;在低安全同儕依附學童中,女生與男生的發展情形可能有不一致的情形。 最後並根據研究結果提出幾點的建議,以作為從事教育、輔導工作者,以及未來從事此方面主題之研究人員參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the difference of friendship conception of elementary school sixth-grade students with different attachment relationship according to Bowlby’s attachment theory. The points to explore were: (1) the relationship among the students’ father attachment, mother attachment, and peer attachment; (2) the difference of peer attachment between different quality of attachment; and (3) the difference of friendship conception between different attachment relations. There were 326 six-grade students sampled from three elementary schools in Taipei. “The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment” was administered to measure the attachment relationship of elementary school sixth-grade students’ self-awareness. The standard of attachment relationship quality submitted by Armsden & Greenberg(1987) was used to discriminate the students with different attachment relations. Then, twelve students were screened to interview about their friendship conception. The main results were as follows: 1.The relationship among students’ father attachment, mother attachment, and peer attachment Besides there was no correlation between father trust, father communication with peer alienation, and mother trust with peer alienation, the other factors had correlation with each other. 2.The difference of peer attachment between the students with different attachment quality There was difference of “peer trust”, and “peer communication” between the students with different parent attachment quality, but there was no difference of “peer alienation” between the students with different parent attachment quality. 3.The difference of friendship conception between the students with different attachment relationship According to the deep interview with the students with different attachment relationship, the findings were as follows: (1)Some of the friendship conception was same and some was different for the students with different attachment quality on each topic. Some of the friendship was close and some was far of the percentage for the students with high/low parent attachment and high/low peer attachment. (2)The students with high security parent attachment and high security peer attachment had higher development on friendship conception, and the students with low security parent attachment and low security peer attachment showed lower development on friendship conception. (3)The students with high peer attachment had more variety on friendship conception than those of the students with low peer attachment. (4)The students with low security parent attachment and low security peer attachment had negative emotion on friendship conception. (5)Girl students with low peer attachment had “mental support” friendship conception. The development of conception of friendship may be different between boy and girl students with low security peer attachment. Based on the results, some suggestions were offered for the educators and counselors.


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