  • 學位論文


The Study of Achievement of Eighth Graders on the Third International Mathematics and Science Study Repeat (TIMSS-R) Through the Junior High School Textbooks in Taiwan: Life Science and Environment and Resources Issue

指導教授 : 李田英


本研究就國中新舊版生物教科書的內容及性別,針對國際第三次數學及科學教育後續調查的試測及實測結果,兩次均考到的題目作逐題分析,找出教科書的內容與學生學習成就之間的關係。研究所使用之數據均取自於TIMSS-R的原始資料,作法是由資料中找出重複之試題在生命科學部分共有25題試題重複,環境與資源議題部份共有8題試題重複、各題欲施測之概念、各題學生的作答情形後分析作答各題所需之次概念,並分析新舊教科書所涵蓋之內容、編寫方式。統計檢驗的方法為:第一部份利用卡方檢定(Pearson chi square)找出兩次測驗間的差異,再逐題分析教科書內容與學生表現之關係。選擇題的處理方式為分析每個選項的選答率是否有顯著的差異;簡答題方面除了該題的通過率之外,對答對及答錯的理由進行比較;最後分析每一試題對應於新、舊版課本的概念。第二部分是利用教科書概念分析審查問卷的結果來比較新舊版生物教科書的差異。第三部分利用Mantel-Haenszel測驗比較使用新舊版生物教科書的男女學生學習成就差異。研究所獲得的結果如下:1.有20個題次新舊版本生物教科書中的差異會影響學生的學習成就,18個題次教科書不會直接影響學生的學習成就,新舊版本生物教科書中的差異包含編排方式、所包含的概念數目、課文敘述方式不同等,其中以教科書裡涵蓋的概念數目的不同最易造成學生學習成就差異;2.男女學生在生命科學上的學習成就差距並不顯著;3.大眾傳播媒體會影響學生的學習。根據本研究的發現教科書和大眾傳播媒體會影響學生的學習,建議教師應幫助學生連貫學習及引導學生正確運用媒體。此外,生命科學教科書中可多加入環境與資源議題的題材使生物教科書關於環保的議題更加完整。


The study analyzed students’ performance in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study Repeat (TIMSS-R) field test and main survey through the junior high school two different edition biology textbooks and gender. The relations of textbook content and students’ performance were examined from the items identified from both tests. Twenty-five life science items and eight environment and resources issue items were identified in both tests. The study included three parts. Part one: Pearson chi-square was adapted to find the relations of textbook content and students’ performance item by item. The selections of distracters of multiple-choice items were compared between the two tests, for free response items the code of answers were compared. Then, the concepts of each item and the content of two different edition textbooks were discussed. Part two: the two editions textbooks were analyzed through the test items’ concepts that had been evaluated by the experienced junior high school science teachers. The last part of the study compared gender difference by Mantel-Haenszel test from the two editions. The result revealed 1) there were 20 items closely influenced by the textbooks, whereas another 18 items were not. The difference of the two editions included the arrangement of content, the sum of concepts involved and the writing of text. The sum of concepts in textbooks had the most significant influence to students’ performance; 2) gender made no significant difference on students life science achievement; 3) mass media had strong influence on students’ performance. Based on findings, it was recommended that teachers should help students to connect concepts with all topics, guide students to well use mass media. To included more contents related to environment and resources issue in biology textbooks were suggested also.




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