  • 學位論文


The Effects of Different Training Perception on Soccer Athletes’ Anticipation Ability

指導教授 : 林清和


本實驗以受過專業足球訓練三年以上的國中選手二十四位為研究對象來探討不同知覺訓練對知覺預期能力的改善,並進一步比較其遷移的效果。將24位受試者隨機區分為三組,分別為知覺訓練組Ⅰ、知覺訓練組Ⅱ、以及控制組。每組的人數為八人,本研究實驗設計以兩位男子甲組足球選手為示範者,執行一系列足球12碼罰球的動作,利用時間遮蔽法將射門動作加以處理,使其成為射門腳接觸球前的視覺前線索,以隨機方式呈現給受試者,受試者將根據隨機呈現的影片來預期進球方向,並依其預期方向以實際撲球方式觸摸四個指定角落。本實驗所有統計考驗皆採用SPSS套裝統計軟體來進行,顯著水準皆訂為.05,並且採用二因混合設計考驗研究假設;組間若達到顯著差異,則進一步進行事後比較。本研究獲得結論為: 一、技能表現方面:知覺訓練組及知覺訓練組Ⅱ 的知覺預期能力優於控制組,顯示出知覺訓練對於12碼罰球預期學習確實有顯著效果。而知覺訓練組Ⅰ及Ⅱ未達到顯著差異,表示影片速度播放的快慢並不影響同一對手的前線索的分析。 二、選手經知覺訓練後,能產生學習遷移的效果,進而提升選手對於其他球員預期前線索的能力,達到成功的預期。此外,利用影片慢動作播放時效果比較好。


The subjects in the experiment are 24 male soccer players in Junior high school , being well-trained for more than years. They were divided into 3 groups at random-perceptual training I(video played at normal speed), perceptual training II(video plyed at slow motion),and control group.The aim of the experiment is to find if perceptual different training will affect the degree of the improvement in the athelets’anticipation ability.These subjects have to anticipate the directions of shooting and dirive to touch 4 appointed corners according to the randomly presented trials.This experiment uses SPSS to do statistics and the sighificang standard 0.05. The outcome of research are as following: 1. The anticipatory ability in the groups lf consciousness training I and II is superior than the control group.But the difference between training group I and II doesn’t reach significant, indicating.That the speed being played in the video doesn’t effect the advance visual cues while anasly sing the same shooter. 2. It oved that the anticipation ability of the soccer players improved through consciousness training and the effected is much better while the video is played at slow motion.The soccer players understand the meangs of the process and cues by consciousness training; With the fudertion, the can ahcipat the opposites’movemence according to their advance cues.


蔡尚明 & 黃勇杉(2001b)。知覺訓練對足球12碼罰球預期表現的影響。本論文在2001年體育學報學研討會發表。台南縣:國立台南師範學院。
Abernethy, B. (1988). The effects of age and expertise upon perceptual skill development in a raxquet sport. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 59, 3, 210-221.


