  • 學位論文


A Study of Employment Situation and Professional Needs of the Students Graduated from Department of Physical Education in NTNU Between 1996 with 2000

指導教授 : 鄭志富 博士


摘要 本研究目的在於瞭解臺灣師大體育系民國八十五至八十九年畢業生的就業現況,並比較不同背景變項畢業生就業現況之差異,同時瞭解畢業生的專業需求情形。研究對象為己進入勞動市場之國立臺灣師範大學體育學系民國八十五至八十九年畢業生共330位。並以自編之「國立臺灣師範大學體育學系85~89級畢業生就業狀況暨專業需求調查問卷」為研究工具,進行問卷調查。 根據調查所得資料,以描述統計(平均數、標準差)、卡方檢定進行分析,結果發現: 一、臺灣師大體育系民國八十五至八十九年畢業生就業率達百分之百,98.6%擔任教職,且65.7%的畢業生於工作後三個月內便勝任目前的工作。畢業生中有73.5%在畢業或役畢後可立即就業,且「所學與工作配合」、「工作穩定有保障」是其選擇目前工作的理由,86.6%認為所學與工作配合,89.4%的畢業生滿意目前的工作,滿意的原因在於「所學與工作配合」、「工作穩定有保障」。 二、不同背景之臺灣師大體育系民國八十五至八十九年畢業生在就業狀況的某些變項上顯著差異情形。「找到第一個工作時間」在性別、畢業年度別、保送或聯考生、公費或自費生等變項上有顯著差異。「每月平均待遇」、「在學期間,是否憂慮未來出路」在畢業年度、公費與自費生等變項有顯著差異。 三、臺灣師大體育系民國八十五至八十九年畢業生認為,目前該系所開設的課程多能符合目前就業上的需求。 關鍵詞:就業狀況、專業需求、勞動參與率


ABSTRACT The surveys of human resource refer to define the human resource plan. But the macro-survey just can only understand the situation of the wholly laboring market. Thus, it is necessary to survey the single laboring market. The professional preparation system of physical education teacher has to aware the employment situation and professional needs of the students in the changing society. The purpose of this study was to comprehend the employment situation and professional needs of the students whom graduated from Department of Physical Education in Nation Taiwan Normal University between 1996 with 2000. Three hundred and thirty graduates served as the subjects of this study. The instrument “The Questionnaire of Employment Situation and Professional Needs of the Students Graduated form Department of Physical Education in NTNU Between 1996 with 2000” was employed. Descriptive statistic and Chi-square analysis were utilized for data analysis. The result showed that: 1. The students, graduated from Department of Physical Education in NTNU from 1996 to 2000, went into the laboring market, got the job wholly; and 98.6% graduates were physical education teachers in high school. There are 73.5% graduates found the first job within a month after graduating. And most people (89.4%) were satisfied with their current job. 2. Significant differences in the period of finding the first job after graduating were found for the students graduated from Department of Physical Education in NTNU between 1996 with 2000. The difference resulted from gander, graduate year, and grantee or pensioner. 3. The professional needs of the students coincide with the program of the Department of Physical Education. Key words: employment situation, professional needs, labor force participation rate


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