  • 學位論文


The Study of the Resource Allocation of Knowledge Economy

指導教授 : 吳忠吉


《知識經濟的資源分配之研究》 摘要 經濟活動左右人類的生活幸福,卻常引發爭議。知識經濟活動雖然是一種新型態的經濟活動,對應的仍是人類千古以來資源如何分配的老問題。這也是當前探討知識經濟的各種研究與論述中,相對比較不足的部份。 本論文的旨趣,即在理解知識經濟活動的特質,以及知識經濟時代資源分配的可能變化。首先探討知識經濟活動下,知識財產、生命財產、社經資源、政經資源分配走向的可能趨勢與影響層面,其次針對個人與制度兩個領域進行分析。最後,希望能就研究發現和啟示,作為目前或未來人類生活福祉可能出現挑戰的因應建議。 根據研究,提出以下結論: 一、 經濟活動中,生產要素改變必然導致資源分配的變動。知識經濟講究市場導向、研發創新、風險利潤,以及全球化的網路競合等特質,對人類社會既有資源分配型態,也將出現重大挑戰。最明顯的趨勢現象就是:強者愈強、弱者愈弱,貧富差距拉大。 二、 知識經濟帶來挑戰,也開啟人類重構生活福祉的機會。知識經濟讓人對內、外在環境交互作用的結果,有進一步認識的機會。這當中涉及到許多制度與互動的調整,進而形成個人努力成為更具有主動性的行為人,而非等待施恩的被動接受者。 三、 知識經濟時代,人力資本是決定個人、社會與國家表現優劣的先決條件。人力資本的投資會創造出個人與整體社會的利益,減少資源分配的不合理性。教育與訓練則是,從個人到社會、國家,要因應知識經濟的資源分配衝擊下,最合理可行的改善途徑。 本研究也根據以上結論,提出以下建議: 一、 高等教育改革。改善知識經濟風險與資源分配不合理性,應該朝鼓勵社會提高人力素質,因此需要高等教育的變革以為因應。傳統高等教育的作法並無法滿足知識經濟時代,個人發展人力資本的需求,因此必須朝增加競爭機制,加速市場化的方向進行變革。 二、 制度應配合自由競爭的市場機制進行變革,目的是實踐人的自主性。知識經濟活動會衝擊到人類社會各種有形、無形層面的制度。因應之道是主動配合進行變革,提供個人真正發揮自主性的環境與空間。


SUMMARY Economic activities determine the well-being of human life and ignite controversy as well. Being a new type of economic activities, knowledge economy still is concerned with the conventional issue of resource allocation. And this is what the current discussions of Knowledge Economy lacks. This study aims to clarify the nature and resource allocation pattern of knowledge economic activities. First, it explores the trend and impact of intellectual property , biotech technology , social-economic resource, political-economic resource in the Knowledge Economy. Then, it tries to analyze the same issue in terms of individual and institution. The major findings include: I. In economic activities, the change of production factor inevitably leads to the change of resource allocation. Knowledge Economy emphasizes the characteristics of market-driven, innovation, risk-profit and global network competition and cooperation. Thus, resource allocation becomes a serious issue for our society. The most obvious phenomenon is that the strong becomes stronger. The gap between the rich and the poor enlarges. II. Knowledge Economy not only brings the challenges, but also creates the opportunities for rebuilding the well-being of a society. The understanding of the interaction of internal and external environments becomes available. It involves many institutions and causes the justification of the interactive pattern. Further, individual’s efforts make people to be a positive actor rather than passive receiver. III. In the Knowledge Economy, success of any individual, society and nation is determined by the human capital. Investment of human capital would create the benefits of individual and the society as a whole. For individual, society, even nation, the most reasonable approach to cope with the impact of resource allocation is education and training. According to the above findings, the study suggests that: I. Reform of higher education. To diminish the risk of Knowledge Economy and unreasonable allocation of resource, improvement of the quality of workforce is important. It requires the reform of higher education. However, traditional higher education system no longer meets the needs of individual development in Knowledge Economy. The reform has to create more competitive mechanism and speed up knowledge investment. II. In the reform, institutions should be in accord with the free market mechanism under the goal of fulfillment of individual autonomy. Since knowledge economic activities would have impacts on various tangible and intangible aspects of institutions. The resolution is to actively proceed the reform and provide environments that virtually enable individuals to develop self-autonomy.






