  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 洪志明 楊永華


本研究旨在提升教師教學品質及提高學生學習化學的興趣,將高級中學化學課程中所提到的化學分子,藉由電腦軟體,製作其分子模擬圖形以作為輔助教材之用。並從中探討學生經由教學活動後,對其學習成就之影響,以及學生對網路教學方式之態度。 為驗證所發展的教學媒體對學生學習成效之注意與否,本研究以台北縣某公立高中之75名高二學生為研究樣本,依準實驗研究設計,分為實驗組和對照組,比較兩組之學習成效、分析實驗組學生後測試卷之作答情形,並以問卷調查瞭解實驗組學生對此媒體之態度與建議。本研究結果擇要如下: 1.實驗組與對照組之後測成績經T考驗比較後,具有顯著差異,可知對於參與網路教學的實驗組學生而言,分子模型的使用與探究學習確實能夠提升學生的學習成效。 2.從學生的作答情形分析,發現以電腦模擬的分子模型對學生學習的幫助有:(1)幫助學生解題;(2)彌補文字與平面媒體之不足,避免學生錯誤概念或另有概念產生;(3)比照文字的敘述幫助記憶和理解深層的意義,避免片斷背誦(4)提高訊息處理的效率,獲得更好地學習效果。 3.實驗組學生對於本教學媒體有正面的態度,學生反應網站內容將抽象的文字符號轉換成具體的事物,學習者可以看見分子的形狀,甚至能親自動手翻轉分子,而不需再憑想像,不只能加深對有機分子的印象以幫助記憶,且學習方式也更為活潑有趣,學生亦更能注意學習的重點,學生認為這種教學方式是神奇、創新又有趣的,而且這種新鮮的感覺,具有吸引力,更能讓學生專心聽課與集中注意力,輕易掌握學習重點。


分子模擬 網路教學


In order to improve the quality of teachers’ teaching and enhance students’ interest in learning chemistry, we used computer software programs to simulate chemical molecules which were mentioned in chemistry course in senior high to be supplementary teaching material. We also discussed that how this teaching activity influences students’ learning achievements and their attitudes towards and perceptions of the Website. Taking 75 second grade students in a senior high in Taipei for research samples, we divided them into the experimental group and the controlled group according to research design. The research compared their learning achievements, analyzed experimental group’s answering situations in post-exam paper and investigated experimental group’s attitudes and suggestions toward the media through questionnaire. The results of the research were as below: 1.There were distinguished differences between the experimental group and the contrasted group after comparing the grades of post-exam through T test. For those students in experimental group, usages and discussions of molecule models really helped them improve their learning effects. 2.From analyzing students’ answering situations, we discovered that the advantages of learning through using molecule models which were simulated in computer were below: students could compose molecular figures in mind in three-dimensional space and this helps them solve questions, making up for the insufficiency in words and plane media, and avoids them producing incorrect concepts. They could memorize and realize the deep meanings just like through the help from descriptions in words, avoiding reciting in fragments. Also, they could raise their efficiency in dealing with information to gain better learning effect. Students in experimental group had positive attitudes toward the teaching media in this research. They said that the web site transfers abstract symbols to concrete things. Learners could see the figures of molecules, even to move the molecules themselves instead of imagining only. This design really helped students get deeper impression on organic molecules to memorize them. And the learning methods were much more active and interesting to make students pay more attentions on the main points. Students thought that this teaching method was so innovative that they could concentrate on the course and gain the main points easily by soaking in fresh and attractive learning atmosphere.
