  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃福坤 博士


波動概念在物理學中是個既基本又重要的現象,從力學、聲學、光學、電磁學甚至到近代物理學都會有波的形式出現;但是波的性質卻很難從生活中去覺察。究竟高中生在學習物理時對波動具有怎樣的概念,國內在這方面的研究付之闕如。所以本研究主要在探討高中生在波動課程學習前後的波動概念,並針對學生在學前出現的迷思概念研製動畫模擬的輔助學習教材,祈能協助學生建立較完整的波動概念。 本研究先以紙筆測驗及抽樣晤談的方式對146位高二學生進行波動課程學習前的概念檢測,利用半開放式的紙筆測驗(題目編修自University of Maryland Wave Diagnostic Test, WDT)的結果配合抽樣晤談來瞭解學生學前的先存概念。接著,研究者利用學前測驗的結果研發「高中波動概念測驗(簡稱SWCT)」試題及「波動輔助學習教材」,待學生高三下學期完成所有和波動有關的課程後再利用SWCT對183位學生進行波動課程學習後的概念檢測,之後依方便取樣的原則抽選一班43位學生進行波動輔助學習教材的試用,以瞭解學生對此類教材的使用感受。 本研究結果顯示: 1.在學前,學生對波的產生方式及波的物理變數所具有的概念非常含糊,學生會將振幅、頻率和波速互相聯結,認為振幅和頻率都可以影響波速。除此之外,學生也容易以力學的角度來解釋波的傳遞與重疊;他們認為振動的力量越大則波會傳得較快;當重疊時,因為兩波相向碰撞,所以位移應該相減。對於脈衝波反射的物理過程,學生幾乎不具任何的概念。 2.在學後,學生對於波的某些物理變數仍然有所誤解,研究發現在公式 的引導下,學生以為波長和頻率都可以單獨改變波速。除此之外,學生會習慣以橫波來思考波運動。對於波的重疊、脈衝波的反射及駐波的形成的概念仍然非常含糊,學生會以不同的方式來看待兩波位移方向同向及兩波位移反向的重疊;且他們對於需要依據究竟是自由端還是固定端的狀況來判斷反射的情形感到困難;至於駐波,多數的學生不清楚駐波微觀的介質質點運動情形和巨觀的波形間所存在的關係。 3.由學生波動課程學習前後的比較發現傳統的教學對於記憶性的知識是有效的,關於脈衝波的反射,學後約有一半的學生能夠知道自由端及固定端反射後位移方向會有差異,但是學生對於背後的物理過程仍然不瞭解。除此之外,從比較中也可以發現學生習慣用數學公式來看物理現象,在學後,受 的影響,約一半的學生認為波長會影響波速。 4.在波動輔助學習教材方面,多數的學生對於這樣的教材感到新奇且滿意,他們認為動態的圖形很有真實感,能夠讓他們瞭解完整的波形變化。


The wave concepts are important both in its own right and in the ability to use the knowledge of wave phenomena to understand more complicated phenomena. So the purpose of this study are to investigate the wave concepts hold by senior high school students, and to design a simulation courseware for waves that is helpful for students to learn this subject effectively. For investigating students’ wave concepts, the researcher used the paper-and-pencil test both before and after the wave course. The results were shown as follows: 1.Before the class, students have a very vague notion of what physical effects influence a wave and which parameters affect a wave. Students think amplitude and frequency of a wave are independent variables, such that change one of them will affect the wave velocity. Students use the force idea to interpret the phenomena of the propagation of a wave through a medium and the superposition of waves. And they have no idea about physics process behind the reflection of waves. 2.After the class, students still have misunderstanding with the parameters which affect a wave. From the formula v=f×λ, students connects the wave length and frequency, can be changed independently to affect the wave velocity. In addition, students have a very vague notion of the superposition and the reflection of waves. And most of the students have no idea about physics process behind the standingwaves. 3.From the test before and after the class, we found that students know more about wave phenomena, but they still have difficulty in the physics explanation of waves. 4.Most of the students were interested in the courseware designed for this study, and they are looking forward to use similar interactive courseware.




