  • 學位論文


A Study of the Traditional Education for Manchurians in Ch'ing China

指導教授 : 周愚文


摘 要 本研究之目的為研究清代滿族子弟的傳統教育,並以學校教育為主要討論內容。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、 八旗官學的教育以清語騎射為根本,採取旗、民隔離的教育政策:清朝為滿教育族子弟,設立了許多的官學,以教授清語騎射、培養治國人才為主要目的。此類官學均以八旗子弟為招收對象,並不提供民人子弟入學。 二、 對滿族子弟的教育建設積極但管理欠佳:對於滿族各式官學的設立和修葺,清統治者一向採取鼓勵和支持的態度,但是管理上卻有著不夠確實的缺失,清人對此情形提出膏火短絀、學校不修、房屋傾頹、仕途太廣等因素,使得八旗官學的教育成效不如預期。 三、 對滿族子弟的教育要求有地區上及身份上的差異:駐京八旗的教育條件最為優厚,而東北地區的教育發展則極為緩慢。至於駐防八旗,嘉慶朝之前的教育主要是各駐防城內設立的官學(或稱為義學),對於駐防子弟的出路影響不大,並未受到特別重視。直到駐防子弟可以就近參加科舉,才設立了準備科舉的各式教育機構,並沿用漢族長時間發展出來的各種作法來贊助駐防子弟參與科舉考試。除了地區差異之外,滿族子弟的教育無論在設備資源、師資來源、學生待遇、甚至是教育內容上,都因為其身分不同而有差別。 五、 「國語騎射」的提倡和政治權力的劃分有關,教育為政治利益服務:由於騎射關係著統治者的武力後盾,清語關係著八旗子弟的族群認同,這個武力後盾是否效忠,於是有學習滿語機會、應該滿語純熟,便是一種文化上的族群標誌,並據以分配政治權力。 六、 教育在社會流動的功能上與漢族相比影響較小,但卻發揮了倫理道德上的陶冶功能。 七、 對多元文化教育的啟示:少數民族的語言文化發展,仍必須植基於文化環境。應透過有效的方式維護民族的生存發展,將各民族傳統文化均給予尊重及保護,並視社會需要逐漸發展出有活力的新文化。 關鍵詞:清代、滿族、八旗、傳統教育


清代 滿族 八旗 傳統教育


A Study of the Traditional Education for Manchurians in Ch'ing China Abstract This paper mainly enquires the traditional education for Manchurians in Ch’ing China. The main findings of this paper are as follows: 1. The purposes of the Eight Banners’ Official Schools are to teach Manchurians speaking native language (Manchu language), practicing the skill of riding-shooting, and cultivating Manchu officials. Only Manchurians are allow to enroll the Eight Banners’ Official Schools . 2. The rulers of the Ch’ing dynasty establish many different kinds of schools for Manchurians, but don’t manage those schools well. Because of lacking of funds and having wide and various ways to acquire an official position, the eight banners’ schooling is not so desirable and attractive. 3. Manchurians receive different education according to their social status and the place they live. Royal families have the best educational establishment. The conditions of education decrease by their social status and location. The education for bannermen living in Beijing is first-rate. The education for those who live in Dongbei falls behind. As to Bannermen living in garrison towns beside the provincial capital, their young generation begin to prepare for imperial examination as the Hans’ way when the court permit bannermen to participate in exam since the emperor Jiaqing reign. 4. The reason for rulers advocate the policy of “speaking native language and the skill of riding-shooting” is related to the distribution and superiority of political power of Manchurians. 5. Comparing with the Hans, formal education has little influence on Manchrians’ social mobility, and its main function is for Manchrians’ moral education. 6. From this study, it is implicated that developing a nation’s culture has to be based on its’ natural conditions, but not political power. Keywords: Manchurians, Ch’ing dynasty, eight banners, traditional education


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