  • 學位論文


The Study of Utilizing Ratio of Countermovement Jump and Dynamics of Lower Extremity During Swimming Grab Start

指導教授 : 黃長福 林德嘉


游泳競賽中,出發是影響游泳成績的許多重要因素之一,尤其在短距離的比賽項目中更是不可忽略的一環,因此選手必須更加重視出發的訓練以得到較多的利益。本研究的目的在探討游泳選手之垂直跳能力運用在出發表現上的利用率,藉以評估抓台出發之表現;並瞭解出發動作期間肌肉作用之特殊性,以作為訓練肌力時的參考。 研究中以十位優秀選手為受試者,平均年齡、身高和體重分別為19 ± 2.6歲、1.76 ± 0.04公尺和67.6 ± 5.1公斤,50公尺捷泳最佳成績為25.15 ± 1.25秒。實驗中以Redlake 高速攝影機 (250Hz) 、Kistler測力板 (500 Hz) 和JVC數位攝影機 (120Hz) 同步擷取受試者游泳出發和揮臂下蹲垂直跳動作之資料。分析軟體以Peak Performance Motus 7.0和Kistler Bio Ware求得所需之運動學和動力學參數,再以利用率公式及動力學逆過程方法求得所需之利用率、淨關節肌肉力矩和功率等參數。研究結果指出選手的平均力量利用率(URFa)、平均功率利用率(URPa)和衝量利用率(URIa)範圍依序為50%~75%、15%~35%和18%~42%;游泳出發動作主要貢獻者為膝和髖關節,且髖關節在出發台後期的關節肌肉作用型態和其它跳躍動作不同,髖關節屈肌群在出發台後期是在抵抗地面反作用力矩而做離心收縮。 本研究主要的結論如下: 一、平均力量利用率 (URFa) 是一個簡便且可靠之評估游泳選手出發表現的方法;透過此利用率的檢測,可瞭解選手運用垂直跳能力在游泳出發上的程度多寡。 二、游泳抓台出發著重出發台後期蹬伸平均力量的提昇將有助出發表現。 三、本研究建議在進行肌力訓練時,除了注重踝和膝關節之伸肌群向心肌力練習外,還需針對髖關節的特殊性以離心訓練加強其屈肌群。


The start is one of the important factors in swimming competitions. Especially, the swimmers in sprints have to pay more attention to the training of the start to gain more benefits. There was twofold in the purpose of this study. First, to investigate the utilizing ratio of countermovement jump applying in grab start in order to estimate its performance. Second, to understand the specific muscular strength in swimming grab start to schedule the training program. Ten male elite competitive swimmers were asked to participate in this study. The subjects data showed that: Ages 19 ± 2.6 yr, body weights 67.6 ± 5.1 kg, body heights 1.76 ± 0.04 m and 50m freestyle 25.15 ± 1.25s (mean ± S.D.). Redlake high speed cameras (250Hz), force plate (500Hz) and JVC camera (120Hz) were used simultaneously to record the process of entire movement. The analyzed system used in this study were Peak Motus 7.0 and Bio Ware softwares. Utilizing ratio, net muscle joint moment, and power were calculated through utilizing ratio function and inverse dynamics method. The results showed that the ranges of average force utilizing ratio (URFa), average power utilizing ratio (URPa), and impulse utilizing ratio (URIa) were 50%~75%, 15%~35%, and 18%~42%, respectively. Knee and hip joints were the main contributing factors to grab start. The pattern of contraction of hip joint in block late phase of grab start were different from the other jumping movements. Due to against to the ground reaction moment, the hip flexors were eccentrically contracted during the block late phase of grab start. The conclusions of this study were: 1. The average force utilizing ratio (URFa) was a reliable parameter for estimating the swimming start performance. Through the method of calculating the average force utilizing ratio, it was easy to understand the level of exerting countermovement jump ability during grab start. 2. Through increasing average forces in extension phase of grab start will improve start performance. 3. It was suggested that athletes should not only practice ankle and knee extensors with concentric contraction, but also should focus on hip flexors eccentric contraction training.


