  • 學位論文


A Study on the Effectiveness of Analogy Teaching in Information Security Education for the Physical and Mental Disabilities Resource Classes in the Junior High School

指導教授 : 潘裕豐


本研究旨在探討資訊安全教育在教學進行中,比較傳統講述教學與類比模式教學,對於國中身心障礙資源班資訊安全概念的學習成效的差異情形。 本研究選取國中身心障礙資源班一年級班級為研究對象,其中,一班為實驗組,另外一班與實驗組程度相近之班級,作為對照組,並以不同教學方法進行資訊安全教育實驗,實驗組採用Glynn(1989) TWA類比教學模式,對照組則採用傳統講述法,並以資訊安全相關概念的內容做為教材。 實驗教學前先針對兩組班級進行前測,實驗教學後,再對兩班進行資訊安全概念後測,資料蒐集後以單因子共變數分析方法進行分析。研究發現,實驗組後測優於對照組成績,且達到統計上的顯著差異。研究者再將兩組進步分數進行獨立樣本t考驗與曼惠特尼u考驗(Mann-Whitney U test),結果顯示達到顯著,亦即實驗組的學習成效優於對照組的學習成效。實驗組與對照組再細分為高中低分群,各群分別以魏克生符號檢定法(Wilcoxon sign rank)進行分析,發現除了對照組的低分群未達顯著標準外,其他學生皆達到顯著的水準,證明類比教學是可以幫助大多數的國中身心障礙資源班學生在資訊安全概念上的學習。研究者認為,類比教學的融入符合特殊教育課程調整原則中的歷程調整,透過不同於傳統講述法的教學,讓學生可以更容易理解學科中的知識。


The purpose of this study is to explore the learning effectiveness of the concept of Information Security in the teaching process for those who are with physical and mental disabilities in resource classes by using two types of models, that is, the traditional teaching model and Teaching with Analogy Model (TWA). In this study, 7 Graders of the physical and mental disability in junior high school were selected as the participants, of which one was the experimental group, and the other class as the control groups who with the similar degree to the experimental group. Moreover, Information Security Education was conducted by two types of teaching models. The experimental group used Teaching with Analogy Model (TWA) (Glynn, 1989), while the control group used the traditional teaching model with information security-related concepts as the teaching materials. Before the study, a pretest of two groups was completed. After the experimental teaching, a posttest of the information security concept of the two classes was conducted. The data was used the single-factor covariate analysis method to analyze after collecting data. The study found that the posttest results of the experimental group were better than those of the control group, and reached statistically significant differences. Then the researcher conducted an independent samples t-test and the Mann-Whitney U test for the two groups. The results showed significance, that is, the experimental group’s learning effectiveness was better than the control group’s learning effectiveness. Moreover, two groups were further subdivided into high, middle, and low subgroups. Each subgroup was analyzed by the Wilcoxon sign rank method, and was found that high, middle and low subgroup of experimental group all reached the significance except low subgroup of the control group, which did not reach the significance. As the result, Teaching with Analogy Model (TWA) can help most students with physical and mental disabilities in resource classes learn the concept of Information Security. Hence, the researcher believed that the inclusion of Teaching with Analogy Model (TWA) matched the process of adjustment in special teaching model, students can more easily understand the knowledge in the subjects.


Stephan Neumeier(2020) :全民培養正確的資安觀念,是降低災損的重大關鍵。天下雜誌,取自https://www.cw.com.tw/article/5095130
