  • 學位論文


Effects of Part Self-controlled Feedback on Motor Performance and Learning

指導教授 : 卓俊伶


本研究旨在探討部分自我控制回饋在獲得期練習期間的分段對動作表現學習的影響。共招募72名實驗參與者 (平均年齡23.4 ± 4歲) 並隨機平均分派至前段自我控制回饋組、後段自我控制回饋組、全段自我控制回饋組、前段相應回饋對照組、後段相應回饋對照組及全段相應回饋對照組。以屈臂推物為實驗工作、且以絕對誤差 (absolute error, AE) 值、動作修正誤差值與錯誤估計 (error estimation, EE) 值分別檢驗學習者在獲得期及保留測驗中的動作準確能力、動作修正能力及錯誤偵察能力。結果發現在獲得期練習期間,六組間的準確性動作表現沒有差異,但各組的準確性動作表現皆隨著練習區間增加而提升;動作修正能力方面發現全段相應回饋對照組在獲得期的表現較部分組別差,六組的動作修正表現亦隨練習區間增加而提升。而在保留測驗中,六組之動作準確能力及錯誤偵察能力的學習效果皆沒有差異。因此本研究結論為,部分自我控制回饋在獲得期練習期間的分段對動作準確性的學習及錯誤偵察能力的發展沒有影響;而當學習者完全無法掌握回饋行程時動作修正表現較差。


This study was designed to examine the effects of part self-controlled feedback during acquisition phase on motor performance and learning. Seventy-two participants were recruited and randomly divided into Self-50% group, 50%-Self group, Self-Self group, Yoked-50% group, 50%-Yoked group, or Yoked-Yoked group. A puck-shuffling movement was adopted as experimental task. Absolute error (AE), correction error, and error estimation (EE) during acquisition phase and retention test were examined to infer motor performance and learning respectively. The results revealed that no significant difference of motor accuracy performance among six groups was found, but all groups of participants’ motor accuracy performance improved through the practice blocks. The motor correction performance of Yoked-Yoked group was worse than other groups in acquisition phase, and all groups of participants’ motor correction performance improved through the practice blocks. In the retention test, no significant difference in motor learning and error detection among six groups was found. Therefore, it was concluded that part self-controlled feedback did not affect the learning of motor accuracy nor the development of error detection; but the motor correction performance was worse when learner totally could not expect the feedback schedule.


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